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Christmas stoat, Christmas stoat

New! Uncle B bought me a lovely glass ornament.

I was going to tell you how I edited the pic in the library, so I could stay in my comfy chair and not come in here and use Photoshop, using a site called tinywow.com. It’s a site with a lot of free tools to edit images and videos and do a lot of other cool things with files. But it turns out it wouldn’t do the three things I needed – crop, resize and desaturate.

Never mind. The fire’s in the room with the Photoshop.

So who’s in the path of the bomb cyclone? Armybrat, don’t you go ignoring the iguana warning! That would be a helluva thing to have on your obituary.


Comment from skandia Recluse
Time: December 22, 2022, 8:40 pm

I’m in it. The Weather Channel has blizzard warnings out for tonight and tomorrow, with predictions of a foot of snow. I have no confidence in the Weather Channel’s precipitation forecasts. They are rarely accurate. I cleared about 4 inches out of my driveway today, and it is still snowing, but there won’t be any measurable accumulation until the snowflakes get bigger. Just enough to make the road conditions uncertain, and to keep the salt trucks running.

I had 4 below zero for an overnight low two nights ago, but it is back up to 27 degrees F. They have gale warnings for the lakes, and icing conditions. The lake freighters don’t work during gales since the loss of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

We have had Currier and Ives winter scenery, except for the horse drawn sleigh, since the beginning of November.

Comment from p2
Time: December 22, 2022, 8:58 pm

I’m not, but we had it start here last week. Temps have been -40 or colder until it warmed up this morning to -31. What the rest of the country is panicked over, we call Wednesday. Stay warm….

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: December 22, 2022, 9:49 pm

Expecting 10-25 millimeters of rain late tonight or tomorrow here in eastern Canada because of a warm front coming up from the south, then it’s supposed to plunge back down and snow. Hopefully won’t get too much freezing rain:


I would be just as happy if the iguanas kept their warm weather…they need it more than we do.

Comment from Ben
Time: December 22, 2022, 10:18 pm

-14 F here last night in the foothills of CO.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 22, 2022, 10:48 pm

We were down in the Keys several years ago during a January cold snap and witnessed several frozen iguanas fall from trees. I almost peed myself, I couldn’t stop laughing!

And it was a balmy 73 today here is sunny Desantis land. But My pool is set at 90 so that will make for some pleasant beverage drinking…..er, I mean floating.

Comment from Subotai Bahadur
Time: December 22, 2022, 10:50 pm

Also in it in Colorado. Not as bad as other places though, in our mountain valley. We got maybe an inch of snow. Well below 0 degrees F last night. High of 6 above 0 degrees F today, and plunging back down well below zero tonight, with a high in the teens tomorrow. Cold, nasty, and staying inside since last night. The cookie baking day helps with that. As will the home made chili for dinner tonight. Wind chills are bloody nasty [up to 40 mph gusts]. But at least we are not out on the plains where the wind chills are in the minus 40’s and 50’s. But it is a quick mover. It will be 50 above zero Saturday.

In re: Iguana warnings. I just visualized some wealthy Leftist from say Chicago who flew down to South Florida to miss the cold front, and who gets taken out by a falling iguana.

Subotai Bahadur

Comment from thefritz
Time: December 22, 2022, 11:23 pm

Falling iguanas! As if on cue, our local West Palm TV news just ran the ‘whenever it dips into the 40’s’ falling iguana warning. I say good riddance, I’ve got one living in my gutter…bastard eats all my cherry tomatoes before I can harvest…

Comment from thefritz
Time: December 22, 2022, 11:27 pm


our first year in FL we kept the pool and spa at 90…until we got that second month electric bill. Buy an insulated pool cover. It’ll pay for itself.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: December 23, 2022, 1:03 am

Good to hear from p2 🙂
Zero degrees and windy here. The wind is worse than the cold. But I have a new winter coat (the first one since 1985), and it’s good to -20 degrees. If it gets to 20 below and I won’t go outside. The dog and I made three trips outside today. She looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

Sweet ornament, Stoaty. That Badger’s a good fella.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 23, 2022, 1:30 am

We’re down to 12f last I checked, and we’re on the near bottom of this bit of global warming.

The mil surplus ECW pants we bought to brave the windy plain of DFW airport are wonderful things.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 23, 2022, 3:01 am

@thefritz- I turn my pool heater up on the days I want to use it, my heater is gas. I use liquid pool cover and when it’s going to go below 40 I use Lilly pads (my pool is an irregular shape).

Comment from dissent555
Time: December 23, 2022, 4:46 am

-6F here atm. Howling wind. Only got about 3 of the earlier predicted 9 or so inches of the white stuff.

Will be in the 40s and raining in about 7 days.

Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: December 23, 2022, 12:20 pm

7am local, (UTC-4. 46 degrees north) still dark, and sunrise isn’t until 8:30 local.
Another 4 inches of snow in the driveway and still snowing. Predicted to snow all day today. This storm really hasn’t produced that much snow. It has just been parked here for most of a week. Clearing 2 ft of snow isn’t that difficult when it is spread out over a week, and you only get 4 inches a day.

Twenty years ago, when I was younger and had an Ariens snow thrower, I wouldn’t bother clearing the drive until I needed a propane delivery. (They won’t deliver propane if there is ‘too much’ snow in the drive.) That Ariens would handle 18 inches, no problem. After 22 years of good service, it ate a rock and the gears that drive the auger were destroyed. (The ‘rock’ being grains of sand from the salt truck that had frozen together into a ‘rock.’ The dealer didn’t want to work on it, couldn’t get parts, and would rather sell me a new machine. The machine I have now is not an Ariens, which is why I am out there every day clearing 4 inches of snow out of my drive. I’ll probably wait until this afternoon since it is still snowing. After this storm finally moves east, we will get the extreme, below zero temperatures that have challenged those living in the western US, and probably ‘lake effect’ snow to add to our seasonal total snowfall that averages more than 100 inches, sometimes more, sometimes less.

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