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I’m hornswaggled

Whenever I have to do something graphic-y for work, I have to bring it home to my personal copy of Photoshop. They’ve made it stupidly expensive to buy now because they want you to sign up for a subscription service instead (in fact, I’m not sure you can even buy a standalone copy now), and it’s just not worth it for the amount of stuff I have to do.

Then I get home and my willingness to do work crashes through the floor. I am so behind.

I finally decided to give Photoshop Elements a try. None of the comparisons were good at telling me what the difference was, but I figured I could at least do basic layout with it.

Well, lemme tell you – there isn’t a difference. I did some fairly complex masking and layering today and I have yet to find a single function that was missing. Even the keyboard shortcuts are the same.

The only thing I can think is that my copy of Photoshop is so very old that the program has changed enormously in the interval. Elements is like a 15-year-old copy of Photoshop, I guess. If that’s true, it makes me kind a curious what a 2024 Photoshop can do – but obviously not enough to pay £20 a month for a subscription.

As the history society I work for is a charity, I got a legal working copy of Elements for £69. w00t!

p.s. yes, I did try GIMP. It is free and full-featured and I’ll use it in a pinch, but I find the interface hella irritating.


Comment from QuasiModo
Time: August 5, 2024, 7:28 pm

Yes, GIMP needs a radical overhaul of its interface the same way Blender did a while back…Blender is almost easy to use now.

I don’t do very much with images these days so I’ve been using Krita…I’m trying to go Adobe free and Microsoft free and Google free 🙂

Comment from Pupster
Time: August 5, 2024, 11:09 pm

Mrs. Pupster bills her clients monthly for full Adobe photoshop and publisher and who knows what all. She just bills cost but she can’t do the work for them without it so away we go I guess.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 6, 2024, 11:51 pm

I got a legal working copy of Elements for £69. w00t!

W00t! indeed! I sure hope you can use that license both at work and at home.

I agree wholebrainedly about gimp. It’s one of those you love AND love to hate.

Comment from wordle unlimited
Time: September 16, 2024, 3:39 am

How to fix it?

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