What did YOU do at the office today?
I built this thing. It’s not the only thing I did today, but it’s the only thing I did today that made me go “eee!” It’s a ripple displacement. I’ve never done one with this software before. “eee!” (If it’s making you nuts, right click and uncheck “play”).
This would be an intermediate step in most 3D animation, this slightly off-white, textureless place. I call it Milkworld. A lot of the things I build never make it out of Milkworld; I’m usually called upon to explain stuff rather than re-create a photorealistic scene.
I’d like to live in Milkworld — it’s very soothing here — but I’m such a slob, I’d probably get some color on it.
Have a good weekend. I’m going someplace with my new camera. “eee!”
Update: Huh. Doesn’t work in Opera or Firefox. Just IE. That’s odd because Damien’s Jaunty Balls works fine.
Update II: There. Don’t know what was wrong, but I fixed it by paring the embed code down to the minimum. Of course, now you can’t right click and uncheck “play” — you have to watch it loop. Bwahahaha! Wait! What? Close this window…? Nooooo!
Posted: February 23rd, 2007 under artwork, computer graphics, personal, work.
Comments: 8
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Time: February 23, 2007, 10:13 pm
[…] Mr. Weasel asks us what we did at work today. He gets to do fun stuff in Milkworld. For the entirety of today, and much of last week I was gridlocked in Excel-land, looking at stuff like this: […]
Comment from Enas Yorl
Time: February 23, 2007, 10:24 pm
I get to look at numbers all day. lots of them. Have fun with the camera!
Comment from Muslihoon
Time: February 27, 2007, 10:24 am
“Eeeeee”? You’re so cute.
That looks quite soothing. I’m sure if I stared at it long enough, I’ll either go to sleep or enter another mode of consciousness.
Comment from osobo
Time: February 18, 2009, 2:15 am
Новый способ давления на кандидата на пост Главы г. Химки
Новый способ “наказать” тех, кто посмел участвовать в выборной кампании не на стороне действующей власти изобрели правоохранительные органы г.о. Химки.
Руководствуясь не нормой закона, а чьей-то “волей” сотрудники милиции решили “проверить” все фирмы, внесшие денежные средства в избирательный фонд неудобных кандидатов.
Начались “проверки” с телефонных звонков – где директор, сколько человек работает на фирме. После чего последовали “письма счастья” с просьбой предоставить всю бухгалтерскую документацию, учредительные документы фирмы, и даже, план экспликации БТИ.
Такие запросы химкинским фирмам рассылает 1 отдел Оперативно-розыскной части № 9 Управления по налоговым преступлениям ГУВД Московской области за подписью начальника подполковника милиции Д.В. Языкова.
И всё это в то время, когда Президент дал прямое указание правоохранительным органам о прекращении всех незаконных проверок малого и среднего бизнеса. С это целью внесены изменения в Федеральный закон “О милиции” – из статьи 11 этого закона исключены пункты 25 и 35, на основании которых ранее правоохранительные органы имели право проверять финансово-хозяйственную деятельность предприятий.
Видно, об изменениях действующего законодательства местные правоохранительные органы не уведомлены. И не смотрят телепередачи с выступлениями Президента.
Может быть, эта публикация подвигнет их к исполнению указаний Президента, а также к изучению и соблюдению действующего законодательства
Comment from apotheosis
Time: February 18, 2009, 10:03 am
Scare quotes + Cyrillic = SRS BZNS.
A new method of pressure on a candidate for the post of Head of Khimki
A new way to “punish” those who dared to participate in the election campaign is not on the side of the existing law enforcement authorities have invented г.о. Khimki.
Applying the rule of law is not, as someone’s “freedom” the police decided to “check” all the companies who have made money in the election fund unsuitable candidates.
Started “checking” with phone calls – where the director, the number of people working at the firm. Followed by “letters” to provide all the accounting records, the constituent documents of the company, and even plan explication of BTI.
Such requests himkinskim firms to distribute a 1 Division of Intelligence and Investigation of the number 9, Office of Tax Crimes GUVD the Moscow region under the signature of the chief lieutenant of militia DV Yazykov.
And all this at a time when the President gave a direct indication of law enforcement agencies to stop all illegal inspections of small and medium-sized businesses. To this end, changes in federal law “On Militia” – from article 11 of the Act to delete paragraphs 25 and 35, on the basis of previously law-enforcement authorities have the right to verify the financial and economic activities of enterprises.
Apparently, changes of current legislation, local law enforcement agencies are not notified. And do not watch TV with the speech of the President.
Maybe this publication podvignet them to the instructions of President, as well as to study and compliance with applicable laws
Misuse of government resources against political opponents during a campaign? Sorry, this is Obama’s America now, we wouldn’t know anything about that sort of behavior here.
– Joe the Plumber.
Comment from DyncPeencevex
Time: April 10, 2009, 10:09 am
This place is so great, thanks to google I found this forum 😀
Comment from Frit
Time: September 11, 2010, 8:20 am
Regarding the two political comments… (just because they have nothing to do with the post that I can see.)
“Non Sequiturs make me eat pillows.”
Oh, and in FF you can now right click and uncheck “Play” to stop the action on the graphic. Neatness!
Comment from David Gillies
Time: February 11, 2011, 4:01 am
Right-clicking and unchecking play works for me in Win 7 Firefox. Care and feeding of browsers makes for a lot of my headaches.
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