Ain’t it the troof?
Posted: October 25th, 2007 under blogging, britain, moving, personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from Gibby Haynes
Time: October 25, 2007, 12:02 pm
Bullshit! The intertubes rock your world. Admit it. And then say thankyou to DARPA.
Comment from nbpundit
Time: October 25, 2007, 5:01 pm
Whoooo…yas gots rocks? w00t!
Nowz about that AGA…..
Ah…prezzzious, we wantz pictures…pretty peas?
Comment from Lokki
Time: October 25, 2007, 6:52 pm
Life without the internet has now become essentially unthinkable. Sure we got along for millions of years without it but that’s like saying we got along for millions of years without fire.
Before the internet, our worlds were all little individual desert islands, with each of us trying to send out messages by signal fire, wondering if there was anyone else really out there to receive them. Now and then, if you were lucky, another island would be close enough for someone to respond. but never very many and never very often.
Comment from mesablue
Time: October 25, 2007, 8:04 pm
The entire Intertubes on one page —
Comment from Dawn
Time: October 26, 2007, 12:53 am
Here’s a picture of the suspected arsonist who was shot and killed by police in San Bernardino. I was trying to find out if he fit a “certain profile”. His name is Russell Daves and he is from Topock, Arizona.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: October 26, 2007, 2:01 am
I tried sharing some nice warm chamomile tea w/ my laptop and the ungrateful bitch decided to have a fit and cease to function. Anyway, she’s in the laptop hospital awaiting surgery and I’m in internet withdrawal and spending way to damn much time in the campus comp labs. This sucks!
Comment from Lokki
Time: October 26, 2007, 8:09 am
Detective Peugot lit his pipe, and puffed reflectively, eyes closed. “Chamomile tea sounds rather more feminine” he decided. Campus location suggests student. Cursing and swearing suggests an intellectual.
Ergo – our anonymous poster must be our missing tattoed intellectual!
“Brilliant!” he concluded as he rewarded himself with a long draught of the scotch he kept hidden in his deerstalker hat for such occasions…
Comment from Lokki
Time: October 26, 2007, 10:15 am
Finishing the small bottle, Detective Peugot tossed it into the bushes, after carefully wiping his fingerprints off it. One learns things in the dective business.
He examined the picture of picture of the suspected arsonist who was shot and killed by police in San Bernardino, was trying to find out if he fit a “certain profile”.
He wondered who the adult sitting next to the suspect might be. Still, he knew the type – as a child, he’d always been fascinated with matches himself. They had such pretty smooth tips on them. His favorites were the two-tone ‘strike anywhere’ types . They reminded him of his father’s two-tone painted 1957 Oldsmobile. Even the upholstry in the back seat had been two-toned in that car, and things had certainly gotten hot enough in that back seat – heh. He suddenly saw Rhonda in front of his as clearly as he’d seen her 40 years ago; heard her giggle as she pushed him away gently and say “boys can never figure out how to unfasten a bra”, saw her reach behind her; saw the soft glow of pink flesh in the moonlight. Saw the two-tone effect that the tips of her –
He snapped his mind back to the present. There was a 2-year old on the rampage – deep into his ugly “terrible-twos” and reeking havock. There was work to be done.
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