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Radio controlled weasel

tuckered weasel

S’okay. No stoats were harmed in the making of this LOL. This little dude had a nice new radio collar on, which I painted out.

Is it “plum tuckered” or “plumb tuckered”? I got hits on both. This British site goes with “plumb” — which is probably correct.


Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: October 27, 2007, 7:02 am


(First to say it.)

All the online dictionaries (re: plumb) imply plumb and plum are interchangeable in that usage. Sooo….your call.

Comment from Jessica
Time: October 27, 2007, 9:29 am

OMG, how freaking cute is he!

Comment from porknbean
Time: October 27, 2007, 11:30 pm

I’ve always known it to be ‘plumb’. ‘Plum’ is a fruit.

Comment from dAS wORD nERD
Time: October 28, 2007, 9:23 am

Pronunciation: têk-ê(r) •

Part of Speech: Verb, transitive
Meaning: (Regional slang) To tire completely, to exhaust, to fully wear out.

Notes: Popular slang or regional term : tucker as in “plumb tuckered out”. This phrase is still moderately common down South, especially in the Southwest. Plumb in that phrase is interesting. Anything that is plumb is absolutely vertical, perfectly aligned, so it is easy to see how in some areas it became a synonym of absolutely and perfectly.
In Play: In addition to a geographical region where this word is heard, there is a generational region as well: the upper age levels: “I don’t like riding these new-fangled bicycles that don’t even have wheels because they tucker me out something awful and I don’t even get anywhere!” Yes, using today’s Good Word is going to make you sound as senior-citizenly as new-fangled does: “Doesn’t it tucker you out any talking like a TV announcer all the time?”
Word History: A tucker was someone who finished woven materials by stretching them on tenters. Tuckers ‘tucked’, that is, stretched to the limit, newly woven cloth before putting it on sale. Plumb tuckered out would be the state of someone who had just been stretched to their limit, as though on a rack.


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