Our very weird president
I don’t know what happened in the Trayvon Martin shooting. No matter what, it’s very sad and I hope we get the actual facts at some point. But, I figure, Peruvian American kills African American, my tribe gets to sit this one out.
Ha! Just kidding. Which brings us to our very strange president. When asked about the killing, he said (among other things), “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”
Which is just so weird and wrong, I had to read it through a few times. WTF?
And then I was, like, Oh. Right. He took this question because race hucksters have been pressuring him. He’s telling them of course I care, this kid looks like me.
It’s the perfect intersection of malignant narcissism and identity politics. I wonder if he realizes how baldly he gave himself away.
Incidentally, fun fact: if I had a son, he also would look like Trayvon, provided his father was of color. That’s the thing about my gosh-darned recessive white genes – my offspring will take their racial characteristics from their fathers. Hypothetical offspring, obviously. You’re welcome.
Have a good weekend, folks! Daniel Knauf’s bxx drama debuts tonight at 11:30-something Pacific time. If you signed up, check your email for password. If you didn’t, I think you’re out of luck for now. As that’s getting on for eight in the morning my time, I won’t be sampling the delights until after dark tomorrow. No spoilers, please!
Posted: March 23rd, 2012 under personal, politics.
Comments: 58
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:13 pm
Needless to say, the BBC is playing it like a KKK lynching.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:17 pm
Stoaty, check your email tonight. Info.
And if I had a son, whom I would never name Tray- anything, he’d look like Trayvon too, except for height, weight, hair, skin tone, and tastes, liking eating nasty skittles and living in sweat box Florida. Other than that, a dead ringer. No pun intended.
For what it’s worth, our AAP, Affirmative Action Preznit, has shown himself to be roughly analogous to the Recreational Reverends: Sharpton(gue), Jessah Jacks’em, and Louis Parraquat, the Island Imbecile. He also joins the thousands of sympathetic black folks, spoiling for something to hammer away at, with their simmering racial indignation.
This Zimmerman cat was wrong, clearly, and dangerously on the prowl for wrongs to right. That said, the 1st iteration of this story was ‘white on black’ crime, the Jewish name and all. Then the photos came out, and the Hispanic problem ruined a perfectly good leftist news meme. No fall guy? Cue the villain’s skin tone. Next iteration was racist light skinned vigilante. Better than nothin…
What’s a leftist race hustler to demagogue in a tragedy between two minorities? Where are the reliable Caucasian platitudes to be had in a minority story?
Ah,The injustice of it all…
So now, the lighter skinned minority becomes the ‘white guy stand in’, and gets shellacked. The usual lines can form and those looking to dig out their reluctantly retired, selective moral outrage can bring it out and go to town…in a hoodie. Never has protesting been so stylish, and yet, comfortable.
The race hustling, fist bumping, buck dancing pseudo preachers are sure to ride this minority-on-minority crime until the wheels fall off. For Sharptongue, Parraquat, and Jesse Jackass, it on! It’s mot much, but like they said of Vietnam: “Not the war we wanted, but it’s the war we got, and it’s the only game in town…”
Let the games begin…
Comment from Redd
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:21 pm
>>>Needless to say, the BBC is playing it like a KKK lynching.
Have they gotten any of the facts right? Not as if the msm here has. It’s disgusting.
Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:21 pm
I find it particularly racist that the president is implying that all dark-skinned people look alike.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:24 pm
Hey, Uncle B.
Comment from Mrs. Compton
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:33 pm
Here’s the latest since it’s down the road from me. Apparently the sheriff’s dept wanted to charge the Hispanic guy with man-slaughter but the state attorney said no.
It’s become a huge circus here. They even have pre-empted prime time shows to show the protests. The fact Al left his grieving family to come and be ring master just appalls me.
And the -resident’s comment… “It’s all about ME!!!” Disgusting.
Comment from Mrs. Compton
Time: March 23, 2012, 11:40 pm
Oh and further more, the Hispanic guy was told not to follow this kid. He wasn’t in danger of loosing his life, he should have walked away. He was being a busy fucking nosy fuck. I’ve taken the conceal carry class for Florida, you just don’t shoot to kill in this situation, you just don’t. You listen to the police. You don’t put yourself into a situation where you will use your gun. Even if he was breaking into homes and carrying out stuff, you just don’t. Lethal force was never called for.
Comment from Redd
Time: March 24, 2012, 12:22 am
I like nosy fuck neighbors. They protect my property and person. If I see someone suspicious in my neighborhood, I’m going to call 911 and then follow him so I can point him out to the police when they arrive. You think by doing so I deserve to be beaten? Zimmerman did nothing illegal by following Martin. Zimmerman told the police he gave up and went back to his truck when Martin attacked him from behind. The wits saw Zimmerman on the ground with Martin straddling him punching him in the face. Zimmerman was calling for help. In all his watch activities, he never pulled out his gun before. The wit who saw him being beaten did not see a gun. Zimmerman said no one was coming to his aid and he feared for his life. Was he suppose to just lay there and take a beating and hope for the best? The wit left to call 911 and heard a shot. Zimmerman has injuries to the back of his head and facial cuts.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 12:54 am
Redd, Mrs. Compton:
You both make valid points. I agree with nosy f*ing neighbors if they are rather sanguine about busting caps,however. The dude,Zimmerman, here was nosy, sure, but he was also directly disobeying the very cops he had called and was yacking at when his moment of full-blown Barney arrived, gun and more than one bullet included. Having a watchful neighbor is cool, I have a reverend next door who owns a 9mm and a rest home ministry, thanks. But some dim bulb who goes aggressively after a marginal character like a skinny teen, is just asking for trouble. And Zimmerman found trouble in spades.
Redd is right about the take down and arse whipping being doled out, but that needn’t have happened: police were already en route and just keeping an eye on the kid would have sufficed. Regardless, the idea of carrying, concealing and using firearms is undisturbed by this dude: he got it wrong. Trayvon Martin probably overreacted and got capped for it.
Both are tragedies. Live have been ruined.
The law works, the neighborhood patrol works. SOme dudes get over zealous and shiite happens. He could have backed off, kept a weather eye and played the hero. Instead he decided he had to act, on suspicion of what? Lurking…malingering? There wasn’t even a property crime to deal with…Zimmerman, possibly justified, shot Trayvon and himself at the same time.
No one wins here. And a rush to restrict and curtail gun rights will be the Let’s answer.
But what do I know? I still like RC Cola and the Bengals. My ideas are prolly suspect…
Comment from Scubafreak
Time: March 24, 2012, 1:18 am
Well, whatever actually happened, I think it’s safe to say that the last thing that is going to come out of this is truth or justice. Too many people have staked a claim in it, and there is too much attention and publicity to be had.
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: March 24, 2012, 1:30 am
Well everything that comes out of Obama’s mouth is always about him. The entire world revolves around Obama. He always turns every event and every statement into being about himself, somehow.
Comment from Gerbil Malodor
Time: March 24, 2012, 1:33 am
The sons of the current Prezedunt can look like many things.
Wonder if DeTraytavious had a prehensile tail. They only show his likeness from the waist up.
The attention to the oppression of pigmented darlings is of course not rationed proportionally. The Woodfork buck is not receiving his fair share.
Comment from Redd
Time: March 24, 2012, 1:53 am
>>>The dude,Zimmerman, here was nosy, sure, but he was also directly disobeying the very cops he had called
No, he did not follow the cya instructions issued by a civil servant. The operator was not a police officer giving a lawful order. Remember when that young widow with the baby called 911 b/c two guys were breaking in? She asked repeatedly if she could shoot them (she could) but the operator would not give her a direct answer. Why? Because if something went wrong the operator does not wish to be sued. Finally, at the sound of the door being kicked, the operator told her “do what you have to do to protect your baby.”
Again, it was not an order and Zimmerman was under no obligation to follow it. With my own analogy, I see no harm in trying to see where a suspicious person went. It’s not illegal. If I get attacked am I suppose to just get beaten and hope the police find me in time?
>>>Redd is right about the take down and arse whipping being doled out, but that needn’t have happened: police were already en route and just keeping an eye on the kid would have sufficed.
Tell that to Martin since he was the one who attacked Zimmerman. Martin had a phone, why didn’t he call 911 and wait for them to arrive? You’re right in that if Martin had done that instead of assaulting Zimmerman, he wouldn’t be dead. Once more, how many punches to the head is Zimmerman suppose to take? I doubt the cops knew exactly where he was until the witness called them and by that time it was too late.
>>>There wasn’t even a property crime to deal with…
There were 8 burglaries, 9 thefts, and 1 shooting in that neighborhood in the past year. I see someone with a hoody walking around that I don’t recognize, I’m going to be suspicious. I also would like to see Martin’s juvenile and school records which are under seal. I wonder why?
Comment from xul
Time: March 24, 2012, 2:02 am
Unfortunately for me, I live about 3 miles from the high school that Trayvon Martin attended. Needless to say, I stick out like the grain of white rice that fell into the pot of black beans. This unfortunate event happened almost a month ago and since this past Monday the local state controlled media has been whipping it up into a lather. It was very obvious from the get-go when the talking heads were emphasizing the “controversial” Stand Your Ground law that the whole situation was being used to whittle away at our 2nd Amendment rights and also to inflame racial tensions. Needless to say, I do not feel safe with all the ginning up the racists who need very little encouragement.
Also, I’m a bit familiar with Krop High School where Mr. Martin attended. I had a friend whose daughters attended that school several years ago and had to be taken out due to bullying and harassment by the urban yoots there. The administration refused to do anything about it. So I have to question what exactly did Mr. Martin do to be suspended for 5 days? Must have been pretty bad to get suspended from *that* school. That’s why he was up in Sanford. The MSM wants to portray him as some innocent child. They keep showing photos of him appearing to be about 10 years old and emphasizing the “child” part. I’m sorry he got killed but it is obvious what is trying to be achieved because of this incident.
And I have to agree with Sandman’s assessment. Spot on, dude.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 2:30 am
There were 8 burglaries, 9 thefts, and 1 shooting in that neighborhood in the past year. I see someone with a hoody walking around that I don’t recognize, I’m going to be suspicious. I also would like to see Martin’s juvenile and school records which are under seal. I wonder why?
No, he did not follow the cya instructions issued by a civil servant. The operator was not a police officer giving a lawful order.
Redd, mah man, I agree with ya. I’m not saying there weren’t crimes going on, just not at the time the incident took place. If Zimmerman had stayed in his SUV, directed the cops and done what he was legally empowered to do, all would have been well. He shouldn’t have gotten out of the car, and Trayvon Martin wouldn’t have commenced to whipping a fat guy’s butt. At that point, like it or not, it became a matter of survival it seems.
He was not ordered to stay out of it: he was not given a binding legal order. You’re kind of right on that. But he also did not have any statutory power to detain, arrest, question or otherwise interfere with young Master Trayvon’s skittle trekking. The 911 operator is empowered to tell civilians not to interfere with a police matter, and by having that warning recorded live on his phone, on the radio, he was obliged legally to withdraw. He didn’t and this was the sad result. He is legally at fault for initiating contact.
Was he right to defend his life with a gun? From my viewpoint, yes. But he need not have gotten there, if he had not taken on the actions of the authorities, like it or not. So, while I understand and sympathize, he was not mugged in his driveway or property, nor was he a cop or armed guard. He was an armed civilian, on someone else’s property, who overstepped the bounds of what he was told by contemporaneous law enforcement officials. And, as the dispatcher is an official representative of the department, and has authority to conduct activities counter to crime and to the good conduct of the law,when the dispatcher says stay out, that is the word of the law, at that moment, until someone empowered to a higher standard and authority arrives.
Thus, his good Samaritan protections evaporate, and like it or not, he becomes complicit and responsible for his own actions and their results. Civil and legal.
The actions and pandering of the race hustlers and pulpit pimps aside, this was a tragedy, and nothing good will likely come of it, not even A GOOD LESSON TO PASS ON.
Again, two losers in this issue, no winners. Just exploitative turd hooks.
You’re right, Redd, to a degree. But past crimes will not justify the actions of a civilian not on his or her own property. If he gets to court, he will lose. Badly. Sad as that might be.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 2:41 am
No, he did not follow the cya instructions issued by a civil servant. The operator was not a police officer giving a lawful order.
For the record, having been a reserve deputy, I need to remind you that anyone in office but not assigned to the military is considered a “civil servant”. So when the dispatcher says “Don’t follow, don’t go in…,etc., that is THE word of the agency involved until a flesh and blood cop gets there or arrives on the radio/phone. They are not representing themselves but the agency they are workiong for or sworn with.
So, while this was not an order, it was prevailing legally binding guidance from the legally, statutorily empowered agency, as to what to do right then, right there, until further notice, or higher authority arrived. And that is just the way the jurisdiction cookie crumbles, I’m afraid.
My sympathies are with Zimmerman, but the balance of the law as written is not…
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 2:47 am
oh yeah: Ozero is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a miserable failure. Just wanted to reiterate that.
And his lay up sucks wang. For the record.
Comment from Redd
Time: March 24, 2012, 2:49 am
>>>If Zimmerman had stayed in his SUV, directed the cops and done what he was legally empowered to do, all would have been well.
He didn’t have to stay in his car. It was no crime to get out. And I would have done the same. If Martin hadn’t assaulted him, Martin would be alive.
>>>You’re kind of right on that. But he also did not have any statutory power to detain, arrest, question or otherwise interfere …
I’m absolutely right. He did not detain or arrest Martin. He did have the right to ask him a question with out being assaulted. If Martin did not want to answer, he could walk away.
>>The 911 operator is empowered to tell civilians not to interfere with a police matter, and by having that warning
recorded live on his phone, on the radio, he was obliged legally to withdraw. He didn’t and this was the sad result. He is legally at fault for initiating contact.
Now you’re just making stuff up. A 911 operator is trained to tell people that to avoid civil liability issues. It cares absolutely no legal weight or authority.
Anybody can contact anyone. It is not a crime. I can go up to you whether you like it or not. You can ignore me or walk away. You o not have the right to beat me.
>>>Was he right to defend his life with a gun? From my viewpoint, yes. But he need not have gotten there, if he had not taken on the actions of the authorities, like it or not.
Well, it did, like it or not. Just because you would have done something differently does not make what he did criminal or a tort.
>>>He was an armed civilian, on someone else’s property, who overstepped the bounds of what he was told by contemporaneous law enforcement officials.
He was licenced to carry. He broke no law by being armed on someone else’s property. Nor did he break the law by ignoring a 911 operator.
>>>And, as the dispatcher is an official representative of the department, and has authority to conduct activities counter to crime and to the good conduct of the law,when the dispatcher says stay out, that is the word of the law, at that moment, until someone empowered to a higher standard and authority arrives.
Again, you are just making this stuff up. Please stop.
>>>…he becomes complicit and responsible for his own actions and their results. Civil and legal.
Yep, that’s what happened to Martin. When he decided to jump Zimmerman, he became complicit in his own death.
>>>You’re right, Redd, to a degree. But past crimes will not justify the actions of a civilian not on his or her own property. If he gets to court, he will lose. Badly. Sad as that might be.
No, I’m totally right. The past crimes in the neighborhood explain why Zimmerman acted he way he did. People, you to a degree included, are trying to falsely paint him as a racist nut. He isn’t.
I think because of the race baiters they will bend the law to indict him. If not, the feds will step in and do it. It’s sickening.
Comment from Redd
Time: March 24, 2012, 2:57 am
Again, you are just making this stuff up. You may have been a reserve officer but I was a DA for 12 years. I also was a city attorney and handled police litigation matters. You are arguing just to argue and you are only making a bad situation worse. There is enough erroneous information out there. Please stop.
Comment from Gerbil Malodor
Time: March 24, 2012, 3:40 am
Here we have a recent Floriduh fatal shooting where the vic was iced and the shooter was not charged with killing. (The arrest that followed was on drug charges).
I smell a giant Gambian pouched rat.
General Holder was not particularly successful in taking away weapons from non-criminals in the US on account of Fast & Furious fiasco. But we may yet see “Skittles” Martin law. Good thing I own Cold Steel spears.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 3:46 am
So, when the dispatcher says “Don’t do that, and you do it, and its on the radio and your own phone, that carries no weight? Hmmm. Right. I’ll just say what i already said; a dispatcher is not an officer. True. But neither is a guy from an SUV walking around a neighborhood, not on his own property, packing a gun, a record of what, 46 prior calls to the same department? No, the dispatcher is not a cop, and not empowered to order you to do jack sh*t, but they are the first representative of the official legally empowered authorities. And if as you say, from your various offices you are a lawyer, and I have no reason to doubt it, answer this:
Will a good lawyer ask what the defendant (zimmerman) was told by the recorded and already publicly aired dispatcher? Yes, of course. And was that dispatcher representing that department or a number of such departments? Yes, of course.
Was Mr Zimmerman a guard? No. A local neighbor? Maybe, but not the owner of the property where this apparently took place. So, no, effectively. Was Zimmerman stopping a crime? Not that ha been mentioned. If he was doing something notable to stop a felony, his defense team might want to jump on pointing that out. If he has a team, even.
What a good lawyer would do is point out that while yes, technically, the dispatcher is not an officer, they are the first to deal with the public and they are by virtue of being employed in that capacity, empowered by their role to pass along the advice/caution/warning/whatever not to interfere with a police matter. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t use a defendant’s blatant disregard for admonitions from a 911 dispatcher against that person in court. I damn sure would. And I would remind the jury that the public doesn’t talk to the officers, just the dispatcher, unless and until an officer arrives on the scene.
So, while they are not cops, and not giving legal orders, which they could not do anyway, the dispatcher functions as the mouth and ears of their assigned agencies. Not adding anything to this case, ju8st stating the obvious about this guy’s ignoring the dispatcher’s admonitions.
If you couldn’t make a case over a person knowingly carrying a gun, patrolling off his/her own property with said gun, on another’s property, and initiating contact with a person not known to them, resulting in violence and a death by firearm, you’re not a lawyer I’d hire.
Again, I said the dispatchers are empowered to speak on the behalf of their agency. Not as cops, not as meter maids. But their job is to deal with the public and pass along the advice/warning/whatever of that department, to stay out of a police matter. Not legally binding, but absolutely a part of their jobs, perfectly inline with the job description and not stepping over any toes. And, like I said, anything a dispatcher passes along can be ignored, Zimmerman did, and goes out the window when a cop arrives on the scene. Seeing as how it’s hard for the cop to talk to the public until they arrive on a scene, and the dispatcher can’t just say,”Hell, do whatever you feel like, Mr Zimmerman. Whatever I say to you isn’t legally binding, so have at it. have a nice day.”
I bet dollars to doughnuts his recorded, deliberate disregard for what the emergency 911 dispatcher told him NOT to do becomes a central issue if/when it comes to trial. He stayed on the phone to ge help and advice, ignored it and wound up in a shooting. He hanged himself, and that recording is all the jury will need, barring a slick defense attorney.
I stand by my point.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 3:51 am
And the term I used involved binding, as regards the dispatcher. I will stipulate to that being not binding, but most relevant advice available until a cop arrives. The word of a neighbor or a neighborhood patrol wouldn’t fill it and blatantly ignoring the advice of the agency you just called is both stupid and incriminating.
I sympathize but Zimmerman hanged his own butt and recorded the best evidence in his own future prosecution, likely as not.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 4:13 am
And no, I don’t think this has anything to do with race, since you assumed otherwise. I think this cat has been doing a Barney for a while, and it caught up to him. He has called that agency what, 46 times not including this incident?
His race has nothing to do with it. His possible concern has nothing to do with it. For my money, I get the strong feeling he wants/wanted to be a cop or whatever, and just never got there. He saw something possibly suspicious and ignored the words of an emergency operator, acted on his own volition, and got in over his head.
He ignored the counsel of the very authorities he sought out, overstepped his bounds as a civilian, and got in trouble to the point that he had to act in self defense. The dispatcher didn’t encourage it, the guy didn’t taunt him into it, he didn’t follow someone else or get goaded into the situation that unfolded.
Bottom line…voluntary action leading to death by means of firearm.
What? manslaughter? Negligent homicide? who knows? And if he is prosecuted, he has his own actions, voluntary actions, to blame. I didn’t do it, you didn’t, Martin didn’t force to get out of his vehicle; he did it of his own volition.
Comment from Subotai Bahadur
Time: March 24, 2012, 4:33 am
Just to add something into the mix. The New Black Panther Party [Attorney General Holder’s favorite election intimidators] have issued a “Wanted: Dead or Alive” poster for Zimmerman.
Of course, if something should happen to Zimmerman, the NBPP will be held blameless.
Subotai Bahadur
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 24, 2012, 4:33 am
The argument that if Zimmerman had stayed in his car like he was told, is simply the “if she hadn’t worn that short shirt like mom told her she wouldn’t have gotten raped” argument. Probably true, but it doesn’t excuse the rapist , or the attacker in this case and in neither case does it prevent the attack victim from defending themselves.
The kid had no right to attack Zimmerman. Zimmerman has a right to defend himself from attack. The rest is irrelevant.
Comment from Oceania
Time: March 24, 2012, 8:18 am
Apologists for inferior species abound.
Have you no shame in your own inability to determine that some are not born equal, even before your spaghetti monster God?
Comment from JuliaM
Time: March 24, 2012, 12:40 pm
“It’s the perfect intersection of malignant narcissism and identity politics. I wonder if he realizes how baldly he gave himself away.”
Well, given most of his core vote and ALL of his support in the MSM are also narcissists and race-hustlers, does it matter?
This kid Trayvon is clearly the UK left’s new Baby Seal, though, judging by the plethora of ‘Guardian’ articles. So long, Stephen Lawrence and Jean Charles De Menezes, your five minutes of fame and usefulness are up.
Comment from xul
Time: March 24, 2012, 5:50 pm
@Subotai Bahadur
Tayvon’s father had been threatening to “form a posse” and go “take care of” Zimmerman a little over a week ago as reported on the local radio. Funny how none in the MSM saw anything wrong with that.
Comment from Subtotal Brahmapoot’r
Time: March 24, 2012, 6:50 pm
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Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 24, 2012, 8:20 pm
For what it’s worth reports of an exculpatory witness are up over @drudge. If true, Zimmerman may have been trying to disengage and Trayvon Martin had become the aggressor. That shifts the burden to him and makes self defense much more acceptable from Zimmerman the light skinned Latino- Jew evil gun guy stereotype.
That said, someone compared not Zimmerman not getting out of his car to a short skirt- rape inducement scenario. I get it but disagree in that Trayvon Martin never approached the car, Zimmerman left it to reach him. The analogy would better stand as Zimmerman being the girl who gets drunk in a bar, drilled by someone and then gets to cry rape. You can’t blame someone else for the outcome of your own voluntary act. That burden falls back on Zimmerman or the party girl in my poor analogy.
If Zimmerman was leaving, and if he shot in self defense, and if Trayvon Martin had become the aggressor, it still could’ve been avoided by Zimmerman staying in his SUV, staying on the phone to the cops and keeping an eye on Trayvon Martin til the actual cops arrived. They were enroute by then,supposedly.
If Zimmerman goes to jail, he made the rope he got hung with. All the race hustlers and fist bumping selective moralists have to work with comes from what Zimmerman did, justified or not.
I side with Zimmerman on self defense due to the witness. That doesn’t negate the fact that Zimmerman’s own actions set things in motion. No foot pursuit from him, no shooting later.
Just my take. But then I like Eli Manning more than Peyton,so my judgment is probably suspect.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 24, 2012, 11:33 pm
So you’re saying that it is acceptable for Trayvon Martin to have attacked Mr. Zimmerman and that Zimmerman had no right to defend himself?
You really believe that?
Comment from Uncle Pinky
Time: March 25, 2012, 2:19 am
People keep insisting that the dispatcher told Zimmerman not to follow. That is false. The dispatcher said “We don’t need you to do that” which is perfectly in line with the non-committal cya you get from them.
Listen to the tape, not the talking heads. But do listen to the Talking Heads ’cause they’re pretty damn awesome.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 25, 2012, 3:52 am
Some Veg,
Go back and read what I wrote. I said Zimmerman staying in his would have prevented the incident. Zimmerman never moves…no incident.
That said,again, IF Trayvon Martin escalated the incident after Zimmermn tried to back off,disengage, then the presumption of fault falls on him,not Zimmerman. Thats a big if and would need some serious evidence to back it up.
Since the witness remarks have surfaced that completely changes the dynamic. With that to support his side, like I said, I support Zimmerman’s self defense case. He was gettinga serious *ss beating per the witness and was not the aggressor, it appears. Now the grand jury can decide the outcome of this all…indict or not. Im also sure there is plenty more we don’t know. And shouldnt until the legal case is put to bed. Im inclined to back his side given what limited info I have at the moment. Justified, like the tv show. Got me?
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: March 25, 2012, 4:51 am
I said Zimmerman staying in his would have prevented the incident. Zimmerman never moves…no incident.
We don’t know that. We don’t know enough to say one way or another.
Comment from Oceania
Time: March 25, 2012, 8:03 am
I have 16 million base pairs already modelled ready to synthesis for Naeglaria … 6 chromosomes.
Time to make life … simple – Eukaryotic life. Just need to sort out the centrosomal initiators and RNAs for centriole formation for post nuclear insertion ….
I’ve been cheeky and added specific tags to minitor genome stablity. Let there be light …
Comment from enter sandman, nothing to see here
Time: March 25, 2012, 10:00 am
You’re right…we don’t know. He got out of his car,initiated contact after the dispatcher HE CALLED said “We don’t need you to do that”, did it any way. Wound up on the ground on the receiving end of an *ss whipping that he started. Maybe he retreated and relied on the judgment of a 17 year old to not follow him back to his car…as he had followed the 17 year old from the car.
Maybe. We won’t know. Cause the same volunteer neighborhood watch guy who called authorities four dozen times in thepast escalated his previous “suspicious person” calls to a stop and talk scenario.
Zimmerman gave up the tactical advantage of a car, security of a steel barrier, a place where he could use both hands by putting his phone on speaker and setting down,and the stand your ground authority of being in his own car, on his own property. In exchange he confronted a younger person, a stranger, whose skillset he did not know, outside of his vehicle,and on even ground. Based on what i have read.
In the end he initiated a series of events that he probably tried to step back from. But tactically he should never have set himself up for it to begin with. The fact that licensed CCW holders at least in my state are expected to act to a higher standard when armed thab when not still makes me think he started something he didnt expect to escalate as it sis, got in over his head. He showed poor judgment and even poorer tactical awareness. Especially armed. Not a cop, not a deputy.Not even an armed Barney security guard. Just some tubby middle aged guy who tried to act like the popo. And had his *ss handed to him to the point he had to kill someone to protect his own hide.
No one has said the teen approached the car. The realeased 911 Call has him narrating leaving his car, voluntarily, to find out what this ” suspicious” person was doing.
Zimmerman had the right to ask the kid what he was doing. The kid could have said nothing, asked who the hades Zimmerman was or tell him to shove it. Zimmerman isnt a cop, never was as far as I know. And his rights end where someone else’s begin.
He acted on the kid looking/acting suspicious. By what standard? By what training or experience? Oh, right …none. A pudgy civilian adult confronting a teenager in a hoodie. Against the specific request of the 911 operator.
Bad tactically. Poor judgment. Assuming a position of playing cop when he didnt need to. Hes called the local cops 46 or 47 times before and not felt compelled to make his phone calls audience participation. Why now? Why this kid? Dont know. But the kid was carrying skittles and sweet tea. No reports of him slim-jimming a car, flat barring a window on a house…nothing. He just looked suspicious to a nosy volunteer patrol guy. Not exactly a felony indictment.
No reason for Zimmerman to deviate from his usual call the real cops routine. He just did. Based on a track record of nearly four dozen previous calls and the CCW admonition that licensees are obliged to avoid,not instigate confrontation, Zimmerman shouod never have left his vehicle. If the teen brokebout his window or tried to drag him out of said vehicle all castle doctrine laws and stand your ground laws would hàve applied. Hardbto invoke those cause you started a series of events that led to your getting your ass kicked and shooting someone’s teenage son.
And all with no crime reported other than striking a pudgy self appointed neighborhood watch guy as “suspicious”.
We gun owners and carriers who avoid unnecessary confrontations will be demonized and made the scapegoats, already are. Zimmerman may get by without charges or a trial. Ccw holders and gun friendly laws will suffer the brunt of the venom and media backlash,not Zimmerman.
And he could have, should have never done what he did.
Comment from enter sandman, nothing to see here
Time: March 25, 2012, 10:07 am
And that is the last thing I will say about Mr Zimmerman and hisbpoor judgment, sorry tactical awareness and fairly obvious lack of defensive training or experience. Why do cops who are alone frequently solo wait for back up?
To avoid getting into a jacked up dumbass scenario like Zimmerman got himself into.
Nuff said.
Drop it. The horse is dead. Im leaving the damned hide alone.
Comment from thefritz
Time: March 25, 2012, 12:29 pm
Unfortunately this is exactly the rallying cry the black community was looking for. They’re feeling the tide is turning on their precious Barack and this event gives their cause legitimacy. When he gets outed next fall their Hope and Change is over. Obama’s election was about white guilt and black reparations. While no one uses that word, make no mistake what Obama’s presidency is all about. Redistribute the wealth, give as much money away as possible and destroy capitalism. Just watch the MSM take sides before any facts are out. Thank you Obama for fanning the flames of racism in America.
Pingback from Gingrich: Obama’s comments on Trayvon Martin killing ‘disgraceful’ – Political Wrinkles
Time: March 25, 2012, 1:11 pm
[…] Gingrich: Obama's comments on Trayvon Martin killing 'disgraceful' This sums up Gingrich's point… […]
Comment from Kerry
Time: March 25, 2012, 2:03 pm
Those who keep yammering on about Zimmerman being at fault for trying to follow Martin remind me of the policemen in NYC who told older women getting mugged downtown to stay out of downtown. Problem solved from their standpoint, but hardly so from that of the public. First, as I understand it the dispatcher didn’t command him not to follow Martin, s/he said he “didn’t have to”. NOT the same thing, and carries absolutely no weight at law. Second, had Martin not jumped Zimmerman physically, there would have been no shooting. Period. You can cry all you want, but that doesn’t change the facts on the ground, which were that Zimmerman was not waving a gun around, and did not initiate physical contact.
Comment from RushBabe
Time: March 25, 2012, 2:11 pm
To quote other wits on the Interwebz: If Trayvon were to look like Hussein, he’d have had a vagina.
Comment from Frank Marshall Davis (CPUSA)
Time: March 25, 2012, 2:56 pm
Barack remembered the wedding night when Trayvon was conceived.
It was a very special time. Ululating, dancing livestock, RPGs, Drums From Mah Futha, Audacity of Collectivism, Organizin of Proletaryat an Sheeit, oh these were the times. Cain’t remember if we buried a few IEDs, and if we did, I regret we did not bury enough.
Cee Loo Green sang Ave Maria and HaTikva and Internationale.
And then I abandoned Trayvon because that’s what typically happens and he did not have any money and my visa was expired and he done growed up to a fine strapping neighborhood scrutinizer.
If you left your valuables undefended Trayvon would notice like a hawk.
Now is the time to launch a massive lawsuit against gun manufacturer, Zim’s car manufacturer and the manufacturer of running shoes worn by the killa.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 25, 2012, 3:14 pm
This incident will help turn out the Black vote for Obama but they were probably going to turn out for him anyway. The Black stay-at-homes who will now turn out wouldn’t (IMHO) wouldn’t amount to a significant percentage of the overall pool of voters.
Now, what about Hispanic and Jewish voters?
I think that the name Zimmerman may resonate with the Jewish voters and perhaps suppress donations to Obama but traditionally the Jewish vote goes Dem regardless of self-interest. I don’t believe even Obama’s attitude towards Israel will change that…thus no impact. Generally there’s a willful blindness about Jewish voters that has long fascinated me.
Hispanics are the question mark for me. Not traditionally major donors, they have leaned Dem in voting except for Cuban-Americans in Florida. Could this throw Florida to the R’s? Could there be enough loss elsewhere to impact the race? Apparently the White House doesn’t think so.
How will this play with independents? Will it mobilize the Liberal-leaners to come out and vote? I think they’re voting the economy rather than social issues. Still, as part of a continuing campaign to move the election away from the economy (where Obama is weak) it may be valuable.
How will it play with the youth vote who tend to react with a knee-jerk to the charge of R’s as anti-black? Until now the youth don’t seem much excited about voting. Last time it was all Bush=Nixon=evil and “it’s our chance to change the world by voting for a Black and proving our generation isn’t racist”. I think the economy and the price of gas are going to keep them home (again, they won’t vote R but I suspect some might vote for Romney while lying to their friends about it.
So, it’s an interesting gamble. Obama’s attempt to invoke “the children” is a nice tactic if he can stay out of it after that. Can he? I think that Al and Jesse are off the leash right now and are going to demand a lot of money from the Dem Party to shut up and go home. Neither cares who they extort as long as it pays. Hey, it’s a nice living for them….
Comment from Mr. Compton
Time: March 25, 2012, 3:58 pm
I see my wife and I are on different pages here. Comes from being in different states right now and not having discussed this at all.
Pingback from Gingrich: Obama’s comments on Trayvon Martin killing ‘disgraceful’ – Page 2 – Political Wrinkles
Time: March 25, 2012, 4:00 pm
[…] Posted by cnredd This sums up Gingrich's point… No he (the President) was speaking with us not at us; sorry you missed his […]
Comment from enter Ric Romero, nothing to see hero
Time: March 25, 2012, 4:25 pm
Trayvon’s untimely demise at the hand of someone who did not look like him brings a very real possibility of the debate extending past the involved parties.
Some say what started on a dark and stormy night it may even have political undertones.
And with the current explosion of technology into the world of cyber networks, wireless communications and commonly available electric equipment, people from outside of Sanford Florida may weigh in.
Coming up next, aren’t those spring allergies making you feel itchy? we have a pollen expert in the studio with us.
Comment from Sgt. York
Time: March 25, 2012, 5:03 pm
Sandman: “He shouldn’t have gotten out of the car, and Trayvon Martin wouldn’t have commenced to whipping a fat guy’s butt. At that point, like it or not, it became a matter of survival it seems. ”
You’ve twice made some form of this argument which was basically: ‘he was told not to poke the bear. He poked it.’ Problem with your argument is it assumed Martin was some kind of animal savage incapable of rational thought and human reasoning. I’ll put it another way: your rationalization is the same kind of mentality that blames rape victims for dressing like sluts. Can’t blame the perpetrator of the crime (assault, as verified by a witness), because he’s just a savage animal. Sorry, but everyone is either a human being who has to play by the same rules and be held to the same accountability or those who have criminal pasts (Martin’s juvenile records are sealed for one reason and one reason only), should be treated as the animals you make them out to be. So what if Zimmerman got out of his SUV and harassed Martin? Martin could have called the cops. He chose otherwise, and got the bullet he was asking for.
Comment from Teresa in Fort Worth, TX
Time: March 25, 2012, 6:16 pm
My latest: “Mr. President, If I Had a Son…. ” http://t.co/yrlZbVv5 – In which I bamboozle/okey-doke/rope-a-dope the administration. 2
Comment from enter sandman, nothing to see here
Time: March 25, 2012, 6:41 pm
@Sgt York.
I agree. Zimmerman should not have poked the bear. Bad move. Z-man as I also noted was depending on the better judgment of a 17 year old. I said that above. I also said that Trayvon went from victom to aggressor and got shot for it. I get it
Trayvon may have been a junior thug. Irrelevent since he wasnt doing anything. Zman poked the bear, the bear seems to have poked back. Bad decisiin making all around and crappy tactical awareness on Zmans part. Must not have heard of Jeff Cooper or Clint Smith.
You have a valid point. I agree.
Comment from enter sandman, nothing to see here
Time: March 25, 2012, 6:56 pm
And no enter ric, not the expert here but i am entitled to ky own opinion,no? Not being a troll or an ass,just presenting my view of it. Its a freaking cluster down there and theres already a grand jury presentation on track. The good people of sanford,fl can determine if Zman initiated the seriesbof events that left him on the ground getting his grill dented by a kid. Big,immature. Kid. And Zman was the adult. Got teens? I have a 12 year old in the house. Got hit by a truck driven by a teenager. Their judgment is for crap. Their skillset,particulaarly in boys,especially a possible thug here, is even more suspect. So no, Im not goung to trust the maturity of a teenager. Nope. And damn sure not a teen who’s acting ‘suspicious’ and is over 6 ft tall.
Like they say,”Dont start no trouble,wont be no trouble.’
Thugvor not, Trayvon didnt start things, the pudgy guy with the track record of bad judgment and the means to leave did. Trayvon Martin, teenage kid, punk or saint.,just reacted.
Like an immature 17 year old.
Im so far to the right its funny but Zman dug his own hole. When he got to the bottom he should have stopped digging.
He was the adult. He wa the CCW holder. He started things off and he wound up in deep shiite. He did about everything wrong.
Thats my take on it. If yours is different great. Its mine. Ill keep it.
Have a nice day folks.
Comment from Oceania
Time: March 25, 2012, 11:38 pm
Your cultures infatuation with genetically inferior species of humanoids which you call Blacks and Hispanics never ceases to fail to amaze me. A fatal attraction to your own demise.
Comment from Asscheeks of Saturn
Time: March 26, 2012, 2:20 am
Why can’t those nice Sharpton/Jackson/Lee NBP boys get this excited about the ten black on black murders in Chicago last weekend?
Comment from Oceania
Time: March 26, 2012, 6:01 am
Because the rest of us are plotting your undoing with your own Vices!
And when I enter this Naegleria into your environmental supply with a number of collagen digesting enzymes as virulence factors, well. We shall be back to the Good Old Days!
Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: March 26, 2012, 1:08 pm
Sandman wrote, “[Zimmerman w]ound up on the ground on the receiving end of an *ss whipping that he started.”
I don’t see that. Zimmerman didn’t jump Trayvon and start whipping on him, did he? Apparently it was the other way around. Why didn’t Trayvon act like a civilized human being?
All he had to do when Zimmerman braced him was say, “Hey, I live up there with my father. Come on, I’ll show you,” walk Zimmerman up and use his key on the door. Failing that, ring the bell and when his father showed up, “Yes, Mr. Zimmerman, my son Trayvon lives here.” “Sorry to have bothered you, sir.” “Not at all. Have a good night.” End of situation.
Of course, this describes, and presupposes, a sane, sensible society in America, instead of the Bizarro World we’ve tumbled into.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 26, 2012, 7:06 pm
Yes, I don’t get the ‘logic’ of this position at all. Martin was right in taking vigilante action against Zimmerman for following him, but Zimmerman should have taken his beating like a man and not defended himself.
I don’t get it.
Sandman, you can’t support the right of one party to use violence while refusing the right of the other party to use violence. Yeah, one was a teenager. However he didn’t respond as a child and run or cry. He attacked.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 26, 2012, 10:55 pm
Listen folks, I seem to be the odd man out on this and that’s fine. Not the first time I’ve gone my one way, not gonna be the last.
I don’t support one side using violence over the other. I think Martin should have been more mature and not attacked Zimmerman, but he was a 17 year old. I personally don’t trust the judgment of teenagers, no matter how mature they appear. I don’t think Martin was right in doing anything. I didn’t say that.
In the same situation, I’d have kept my distance and waited on the cops. He’d called 49 times, I heard last night, so why not wait this time? Nothing from the 911 tapes, nothing from his statement says a crime was going down. So why get into a situation you already called the cops on?
I don’t get that. If he wanted to deal with it himself, why call the cops and have them telling you not to do something you were going to do? 911 calls get recorded. He called the 911 center and may have given the state a piece of evidence to use against him.
Regardless of how he handled the self defense issue, I just feel like he blew the whole approach to this. He could have done the same thing, get this suspicious character checked out, and never get personally involved. He ‘s not a cop, not a deputy, not an armed guard. This junior thug wasn’t worth his life or his peaceful existence. If it were me, this kid darn sure wouldn’t rate me putting my ass on the line for something I already called the Man about.
I say let the men and women of law enforcement do their jobs. If you’re a volunteer, non sworn, stay out of the way and don’t turn a situation into a clusterfrack.
I hold Zman should have stayed in his car, standing pat unless the kid was committing a crime, like breaking into a car or a house. He apparently wasn’t. So Zimmerman could have just as easily waited it out, in his car, where any action by the kid to get to him would have made self-defense a lot easier horse to saddle and ride.
The more I hear and read from non-MSM sources, the less friendly portrait it paints of Martin. I still think thug or not, unless he was actively committing a crime, let him move on and the cops deal with it. I still hold to that: Zman got himself into the trouble by starting it all. Trayvon Martin got himself killed by upping the ante and starting a fist fight with a guy with a gun…mad move, either way.
So I don’t support Trayvon using violence. Unless Zman threw the first punch or flashed the gun or otherwise egged him on, the assault was unnecessary. Zman resorted to the gun as the last act. I get that, I agree he was probably justified.
I just wish he hadn’t taken the steps he did, that have probably ruined his life, regardless of the outcome of any trials. Nothing good will come of this.
The only ones benefitting are the usual race baiting a-holes, Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan. I hate those a-holes. With a passsion, I loathe those useless chunks of crap.
Comment from sandman says nothing to see here
Time: March 26, 2012, 11:10 pm
And I guess I could have phrased it better, but without getting involved in what was already an episode called to the police, without approaching the kid, Martin and Zman never wind up on the ground. Neither one has reason to have an altercation, the cops come and these two never meet.
Again, if he was planning on getting out and handling it himself, why call the cops? Why have yourself on recording, doing the very thing the operator asked you not to do.
Without getting the whole thing rolling Zman watched the cops question the kid, their job, the kid gets arrested or sent on his way, the cops leave or take Martin with them. They have the badges, the guns and the job. If he wanted to get involved in law enforcement he should have gone out for the academy or whatever. Approaching a stranger, regardless of age, race, height without it being the last resort just seems pointless to me. With the cops on the way it was counterproductive and interfering. He should have let things lay.
The better part of valor is discretion. Putting yourself squarely into a potentially violent situation, at night, carrying a gun, without it being an emergency, is not using discretion by any means. And again, cope were called.
So no, Zimmerman need not have gotten an ass beating. He didn’t deserve it, but he did set up the possibility.
And yes, Wolfus, I still think he should have demurred, taken advantage of better positioning. And I also think Trayvon MArtin might have been ye junior thug. Like I said above. And probably an a-hole. And probably overreacted to being approached. Both used bad judgment, and Martin could have done without trying to whip Zman’z no matter how he was approached.
But Zman chose to approach and Martin chose to overreact, like a teenager. And both lives are ruined, one permanently.
But Zman should never have started the whole thing. I feel bad for the guy, more so every time I hear more about what a decent guy he was and an a-hole the kid may have been.
Comment from sandman says enough, I give up. Thankye.
Time: March 26, 2012, 11:14 pm
enough. Please. I give up.
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