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Ha! Ha! Ha! Come here, silly swans!

There’s an exhibition of rare Chinese propaganda posters going on in Edinburgh at the moment. It’s 133 posters from 1913-1997 on loan from the Propaganda Poster Art Centre in Shanghai.

I wouldn’t mind seeing that. Not enough for a field trip to Scotland, but enough to look it up online. I lumme some propaganda. (No, I really do. I’ve always thought that should have been my calling). The Telegraph has a better slideshow (I know, I know…slideshows are de debil).

I especially love these ladies, from the model opera Red Women’s Detachment, 1971. No, they don’t look silly at all.

Right. We’ll assemble here under the flagpole tomorrow, 6 sharp.

Dead Pool Round 65!

June 26, 2014 — 10:19 pm
Comments: 13