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They never came back…

Beg pardon. Didn’t mean to leave you with a mystery yesterday.

The lady who was ambushed does more for the club than all the rest of us put together. She works it like a full time job. She needs the money she gets from selling artwork, but that can’t explain it. Absolutely nobody else would go at it this hard.

However, she does it while firehosing the rest of us with long, rambling emails. The other ladies wake up to a bulging inbox every morning and panic. We’ve lost committee members over it and are in danger of losing more. And she’s a bit of a loose cannon.

It’s a dilemma. I guarantee you, if they push her out, they won’t find volunteers to take over the work she does.

Which brings me to a question. Scheduling volunteers is my least favorite part of my current gig (see above snapshot of my Google calendar). After lockdown the volunteers didn’t come back.

Everyone’s complaining. The National Trust. The National Council of Voluntary Organisations. The Scouts.

I mean, some of them died. You have to hand it to those people. But an awful lot of people got a taste of idleness and decided they like it.

Same in the States?

September 24, 2024 — 5:43 pm
Comments: 7