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T-day marathon for thee, not for me

MST3K is recreating their good old Turkey Day Marathon online this year. I’ve been looking forward to it all week. Got the notice, tuned in and…”sorry, the owner has not made this stream available in your country.”

Oh, boo. I mean, I can spoof it and watch it on my computer, but I wanted to stream it to the television.


Anyhoo, the turkey — not a whole turkey, but a generous slab of the finest from Marks and Spencer — is all set. The fixin’s. A bottle of schmoo. We do Thanksgiving as an evening meal, but we damn well do Thanksgiving in this house.

You guys are among the things I’m grateful for. This blog has gone a long way to keeping homesickness at bay — real Muricans to chat with! Hope everyone has a splendid day, and a chance to shop until your brains run out your ears tomorrow.



Comment from Deborah HH
Time: November 27, 2014, 7:15 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to Badger House and all who dwell within.

We are grateful for family who made a long drive from the panhandle to San Antonio. Lots of cooking for me, but the only traditional food is pumpkin pie. Chicken soup last night, pot roast today, beans—fried taters—cornbread tomorrow. Homemade Ruben sammies for lunch one day (with the best sauerkraut ever), and then start all over with the leftovers.

Sunny and breezy, 68 degrees at 1 pm. Ready to eat, ready for the Cowboys to play. Blessings and good wishes to Stoaty and Uncle Badger, and all Stoaty’s readers.

Comment from naleta
Time: November 27, 2014, 8:14 pm

Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for my good job, and that my family all has good health. My son is watching a movie with my husband while the potatoes and the game hens cook.

Comment from SSAF
Time: November 27, 2014, 8:16 pm

Do something rascally SWeasel! to celebrate the elopement!

This ‘Murkan goes to a decent restaurant, pays $50 for a table for 2, eats dainty little portions of nice food, tips elderly staff very generously and retreats to rural property to resume monitoring the perimeter, while Andrews Sisters gently croon amidst thick vapors of Hoppe’s 9.

Aaah… the good life. And not a furriner in sight.

In the spring, we do have some Limey patrols who come to (redacted). It has to do with very expensive horses.
Accurate potshots are taken at the Monarchists, who act bewildered. Then, they bugle retreat to their vibrant multiculti isles to slurp tea and crumpets amongst halal establishments, tikka marsala and curry takeouts and druid kromlechs.

Sail away, Britishers! Thames Delta is that-a-way!

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: November 27, 2014, 8:48 pm

Happy Thanksgiving rebel colonials! 🙂

Comment from P2
Time: November 27, 2014, 9:00 pm

All the best to you and yours…. Turkey from marks & sparks…who could ask for more!! It’s moose steak for us here in the frozen freakin north…. Dreading the drive to work tomorrow amidst the minivans and combat shoppers……

Comment from Malcolm Kirkpatrick
Time: November 27, 2014, 9:04 pm

Aloha, from Honomu, Hawaii (alt. 2000 ft.). My sister is baking cherry pie. I’m cooking the turkey, lamb, and ribeye roast. The brother-in-law supplies the Buffalo Trace and Chardonnay, and merlot. Friends supply salad and other vegetables. Life is good, at least for today. Be thankful, and spare a thought for Sunshine.

Comment from Paula Douglas
Time: November 27, 2014, 9:16 pm

Have you tried HideMyAss? It disguises your IP address…or something…anyway, it makes it look like you’re in another country, and you can pick which one. I use it to access the BBC iPlayer by pretending I’m in Canada so I can watch new Who and Sherlock episodes, like, now, instead of waiting for them to air in the US. It does slow things down a bit because it bounces you to servers all over the world, to confuse the Beeb (and others), but not unbearably so, and video plays just fine. It’s an excellent way to surf anonymously in general and get around those bullshit, random restrictions in particular. Pick the closest US location to England–somewhere in Maine, I suppose–and join Joel, Mike, and the bots.

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: November 27, 2014, 9:25 pm

Thanks for the thought, Paula. Her Stoatliness has given up in disgust and is killing things (with the headphones on).

I’ve tried several spoofing ‘solutions’ to get it for her but sadly none have worked, including ‘hidemyfatbadgeryass’ It might work if I weren’t so mean and actually subscribed but I’d like to see it work before I start undoing the dozen or so giant brass padlocks on my cast iron box of moneys 🙂

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: November 27, 2014, 9:31 pm

Aha! ‘Badgering’ ain’t a verb for nuffink!

Hola did the trick, with an hdmi lead from my laptop to the Bygge Screene…

Of course, Ol’ Stoaty is busy slaughtering the world in her game now…

Comment from Frit
Time: November 27, 2014, 10:00 pm

Happy Harvest Fest to all in the Northern Hemisphere!

It’s spring planting time here in Oz, tho, as a ‘Merkin ex-pat, I do celebrate what I’m grateful for.

Thank you all for being awesome people, and especially Stoaty & Uncle Badger for providing the platform for us to meet and interact. 🙂

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: November 27, 2014, 11:02 pm

Happy Thanksgiving, ‘murikins…health and prosperity to all.

Work day for me today…got all my Christmas shopping pretty much done already…just need a couple more items to finish off.

Comment from Nina
Time: November 27, 2014, 11:03 pm

Happy Thanksgiving, Stoaty, Unk B, and felines!

I hope your dinner was festive and delicious despite the lack of Thanksgiving hype in Britain. My son and his wife always celebrate the Saturday after, with a bunch of friends who have over the last six years got used to this very wonderful American holiday…Norwegians love to celebrate, and are very ecumenical about their holidays. And they love to eat and drink.

But, If you had an Apple TV you could stream US programs through your TV…at least we do it all the time with British shows (when you live with Doctor Who fanatics, you have to!), so I’m sure it goes the other way, too.

Thanks for letting us all hang out in your blog, Stoaty.

Comment from Waldorf & Statler
Time: November 27, 2014, 11:31 pm

Murdelation of some surprised turkey by means of surgically precise incisions can make just about any old gannet guano covered rocky outcropping on the peripheries of Denmark feel like foggy forest hills of Tennessee.

Uncle B., the Britisher skirmishers who visit us to feel envious about resplendent colonial stallions are faithful facsimiles of Anthony Sharp. Squid-beaked, brushy-eyebrowed, plummy accents, Barbour haberdashery with Wellies, the whole shootynge matche.

In spite of repulsive appearances, I find them to be jolly good sports who remember their classic education and never bat an eye when confronted with foul and execrable deeds of la perfide Angleterre. Utterly incapable of being shamed, like slimey traitors they are!

Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: November 27, 2014, 11:54 pm

Happy Thanksgiving, Ya’ll!

Comment from RealMc
Time: November 28, 2014, 1:18 am

Happy Thanksgiving Ya’ll !!

I ate too much and now its time to DRINK too much ;o)

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: November 28, 2014, 5:30 am

Massive quantities of food (mainly cooked by my sister). A Swift Butterball turkey roast, stuffing, sweet potato, cranberry sauce, spinach, salad, pumpkin pie.

Washed down (by me) with the pretty good craft beer my local liquor store got on remainder or something, and is selling for $10/case. Several varieties, including Lupulin Max Imperial IPA, with hop cones floating in it.

Interesting note: the Preview function used to require Javascript. Now it doesn’t.

Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: November 28, 2014, 5:43 am

I just forced my wife to watch the Turkey Day Marathon, plus the highly disturbing “Tormented” episode. 10 hours of MST3K is not enough.

Comment from SCOTTtheBADGER
Time: November 28, 2014, 8:46 am

Happy Thanksgiving to All, from an American Badger, who is full of Turkey, 2 types of stuffing, ( regular and cornbread ), mashed potatoes, corn, gravy over everything, whole wheat rolls, and Key Lime Pie, all washed down with Cranberry Sprite.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: November 28, 2014, 3:10 pm

I meant to come here yesterday and wish happy Thanksgiving to all, but the tryptophan and booze (ok, maybe it was mostly the booze) got to me first.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: November 28, 2014, 5:09 pm

Happy Thanksgiving all! Remember, it ain’t over till the cold turkey sandwiches are gone! Much to be thankful for this year, including this blog. Now, it’s time for just a tiny piece of leftover pumpkin pie


Comment from Nina
Time: November 28, 2014, 5:38 pm

Pie for breakfast!

Comment from J.S.Bridges
Time: November 29, 2014, 4:58 am

Happy Thanksgiving rebel colonials!

I never see reference made to “rebel colonials” or suchlike without being once more reminded of my favorite mild risibility on the whole UK/USA back-and-forth-ribbing – that being:

One fine A.M., a Yankee business-type, suited and with briefcase, boards a typical distinctive-red London Omnibus in the course of traveling to an appointment in The City. Finding it mostly full-up, he grabs a proper hand-hold while standing next to a Proper British Gent, complete with brolly, Derby-style topper and morning newspaper, and hangs on for the ride. Taking notice of his temporary companion, the Gent mildly remarks, “I say, you’re one of those ex-colonial chaps, are you not?”

The Yank, smiling a bit, nods and agrees, “Yes, something like that.”

“Hmm-m…”, says the Gent, “I seem to recall, your lot came to a division of the ways – as it were – largely over a matter of ‘taxation without representation’, yes? So – tell me”, the Gent concludes, “how d’you like it with?”

Answer these days would be, of course, maybe not so much…

OTOH, in these often-parlous times, still being British subjects can be a pretty sticky wicket, as well.

A Happy and (Relatively) Prosperous (or at least Comfortable) Thanksgiving (Once-Removed) to all hereabouts, and All The Ships At Sea (the non-terrorist-held or -owned ones, anyway). Spent the actual Turkey(Or Other Fine Comestibles) Day doing Good Works in the A.M. (every year, we folks help to do a church-volunteer-based prep/assembly/distribution of “traditional-style” Thanksgiving dinners to a bunch of Meals On Wheels recipients and other retiree/rest-home center residents, thereby giving the regular M.O.W volunteers/kitchens and other locations’ cooking staffs the day off to be with their own families), followed by early-P.M. gathering with family and some friends at Daughter’s and Son-In-Law’s nearby island (inlet-side, but within beach-view) domicile, for temporary near- or total-overindulgence in mostly-traditional foodstuffs, high-quality drinkage of the “adult” variety and TeeVee Football!!

Truly, an astounding day of Many Wonders – among those, the Detroit Lions managed to crush the generally-detestable Chicago Bears (thus making the Lions 8 – 4 on the season, and a contendah!! – consider: Detroit [the city] is in the dumper, big-time [a true “triumph” of Lefty-based politickin’/pot-lickin’ and attendant corruption], whilst the Team has [at least temporarily] finally figured out how to win, and Win Big), and, when last viewed, the Patriots and the Cowboys (is that appropriate to the Day, or what?) were busily tearing each others’ heads off – dunno how that last one came out, I don’t really have a dog in that fight, and we were busy-busy with two types of cheesecake (punkin AND mocha/chonklit) with home-whipped cream atop at the time.

Then – came sweetly and quietly home, and went to bed and slept like a tent-peg gang-hammered into soft turf.

A very Good Night to all, sez I…

(Hope you were able to stay clear of the “splash-back” during all that digitalized murdelation an’ deestrucktion, Stoaty – sometimes, that stuff doesn’t wipe off so easy, and it mostly-always stains somethin’ turrible, y’know?)

Comment from Timothy J. McCorkle
Time: November 30, 2014, 3:52 pm

Thanks for posting the link.didn’t see this until the “Puma Man” Movie had started. Hope you had a good weekend, and ate a Grouse or whatever they have instead of turkeys over there…

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