It’s Zola!
To hell with politics. Look — a puppy!
Yes, after weeks of hype and tease and adorable puppy photos, the Glorious Lemur King has finally picked out a damn dog.
Wander over and help him pick out a name, too (nah, just kidding. I’ve already emailed his wife. It’s going to be Pretty Princess Poofypants, for sure).
Whoa! For those of you who have written me that you’re stuck in the spam filter, you’re not. I’ve just tried to post a comment, like, six times and it just vanishes into the ether. Just, gone. I don’t know if my host is having database issues or we’re being ‘lanched to our knees (the melty Obama graphic is getting a lot of link love), but please be patient and don’t go away. Weasel would be lost without her imaginary friends who live in the computer…
I filed a help ticket in with my host, though whether this is a database issue or some problem with WordPress, I have no idea. It would have to happen on a big ol’ link day (you know how it is — you’re always having sex on the kitchen table when the vicar always drops by for tea). Now would be the time to tell me what you really think, and take a gamble that the comments are still busted.
Four hours. Four hours without a comment from a minion. Oh god, I miss you. I miss your ASCII. I miss the way your nose wrinkles when you post a dirty word. I can’t go on, trapped by myself in this blog, alone with the sibilant shusssss, shusssss, shussss of my own pulse. Somebody, please, take my keys away before I DUI on the information superhighway…
Posted: September 10th, 2008 under personal.
Comments: 4
Comment from Scubafreak
Time: September 11, 2008, 3:22 pm
Ping, your it.
did you catch the Dems comparing Obama to Jesus and Palin to Ponchus Pilot?
http ://
Comment from Dawn
Time: September 11, 2008, 4:19 pm
Isn’t it racist to call Jesus a community organizer?
Comment from Hound Of Doom
Time: September 11, 2008, 5:09 pm
OK, dog names. Sparta, like my dog. I’m sure he won’t mind. What breed is he? Other names: Goof, Jethro, Knucklehead, Shelby, Tyler, Dakota.
It has to be a name you won’t get thrown in jail for when you are looking for a lost dog at 3AM.
You KNOW that dogs are a LOT more work than mere cats don’t you?
He looks great! Congratulations!
And we expect pictures. Lots and lots of puppy pictures. Don’t make me come over there.
Comment from Muslihoon
Time: September 11, 2008, 9:24 pm
My itty bitty widdle baby — 2+ year old shih tzu – is named Merlot. We call him “Merly” (or “Malloo” or “baby” or “bacchha” or whatever).
He’s white and gold. Go figure.
How about: Sebastian?
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Beware: more than one link in a comment is apt to earn you a trip to the spam filter, where you will remain -- cold, frightened and alone -- until I remember to clean the trap. But, hey, without Akismet, we'd be up to our asses in...well, ass porn, mostly.<< carry me back to ol' virginny