In the market for a nice, long walk
It’s supposed to rain intermittently all weekend, but I’m not sure I care. Have you ever done that? Laced on your hiking boots and thought, “so what? If I get wet, I get wet.” It makes you feel all tingly and hardcore.
Which is important when you’re a pasty city woman of late middle age.
Posted: September 13th, 2008 under blogging.
Comments: 11
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 13, 2008, 5:50 am
I visited Andrew Sullivan’s pit this morning. I know, I know…it was linked from somewhere and I clicked before thinking.
Jesus Christ, the man lives in an alternative universe: one where the McCain campaign is crashing and burning, Americans see through Sarah Palin to the detestable shallow fraud she really is and Obama will coast to victory if only he stays the course.
My gloating and advanced case of Palinmania aside, I recognize we’re a 50/50 nation and it’s going to be a squeaker. What the fuck is the matter with this guy, that he can drift so far out of the fields we know?
Oh, and what is it with lefties (as Sullivan surely is) and the charge of lying? They fling it around with such wild abandon, as though they believe it to be a magic word that miraculously damages enemies. Or, as he prefers to call them, those lying liar shameless lie-monger lie-headed lie-baby liars who aren’t telling the truth to the American people.
Comment from removeCCNfromyourlife
Time: September 13, 2008, 7:36 am
Found your place from Patterico’s.
I have not laughed this much in years.
Comment from memomachine
Time: September 13, 2008, 9:17 am
Frankly a rainy weekend? Time to cook. Fresh baked crusty loaves, homemade olive tapenade and a nice hearty Tuscan style tomato-fish stew with halibut.
Some people see rain and think “I want to walk in this crap”.
I see rain and I think “I’m not going out for anything”.
Comment from memomachine
Time: September 13, 2008, 9:21 am
1. Andrew Sullivan is a flake. Whether or not his lifestyle contributed to it or not, he’s simply gone over the edge. IMO the only reason why anybody keeps him around is that he’s got a link on DrudgeReport so his very presence will drive a certain amount of traffic to a website.
2. Anybody catch the latest bit of Obama-crazy? The advertisement the Obama has out about McCain not being able to use email?
It’s because the NVA broke his shoulders, arms and hands so badly that he can’t comb his own hair, tie his own shoes or **type**.
Instead he reads email but his wife has to write them for him.
I truly hope some people in the Obama camp are getting the verbal ass-whupping of a lifetime. There is no excuse for this. A 60 second Google search should have turned this up and even I could guess that physical disabilities would interfere with using a keyboard for McCain.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 13, 2008, 10:57 am
Oh, I’m loving THAT gaffe, memomachine. This is like Biden asking Charlie to stand up, but like repeatedly over and over for five minutes. Delightful!
When I can’t squeeze butt into britches, it’s time to go hiking. Yah! Weasel is har-r-r-r-r-rd cor-r-r-r-r-r-re:
Are you a Marine? No, I’m a lady with a hat. I got in a good walk in the woods. Not as long as it should’ve been, but I got pretty butt-wet and grubby.
Welcome, CCN. What the sam hill is CCN, and why am I so desperate to remove all traces of it from my life?
Comment from porknbean
Time: September 13, 2008, 1:36 pm
Here is a linky that I mentioned last night about McCain’s disability, his wife’s help, and what looks like how he is actually up to par on ‘puters.
Comment from porknbean
Time: September 13, 2008, 1:48 pm
I would never go walking in the woods voluntarily this time of year. I went to my daughter’s cross country meet last week in a huge local naturey park; tons of woods – with rangers evil-eyeballing everyone – and thought I was gonna die from ragweed/cut grass/wet forest floor decay. Ragweed is terrifically bad right now and unless we get an early frost, will be for another 4 weeks.
Comment from XBradTC
Time: September 13, 2008, 3:12 pm
I hate walking in the rain as only an infantryman can.
For a guy who can’t use email, he’s managed to hire a team that is decent at reaching out to bloggers, uses youtube and rapid response to countermeme Obama and own the message. Not bad for a guy who can’t type.
Comment from Jessica
Time: September 13, 2008, 4:43 pm
You are, what, 6 years older than me? So, PLEASE do not use the term “late middle age” – I have yet to come to grips with “middle age.”
Did it rain that day you and I turned a two mile jaunt into, what, four miles? I know it wasn’t sunny. Right now I have a pot of chicken carcass on the stove simmering for soup, and I just finished painting my bathroom after my husband (hee hee hee, husband) finished stripping the hideous wallpaper last night. So, no walk for me today.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 13, 2008, 4:45 pm
I know. Uncle B got all over me for that one, too. I suppose, thinking about it, I’m technically middle middle aged.
I went down to Arcadia today! My favorite. It wasn’t actually raining, but everything was wet and I scrambled around on some rocks and got thoroughly muddy.
Hope you’re enjoying wedded bliss…
Comment from Jill
Time: September 14, 2008, 11:42 pm
Weasel. Sweetie. Bubbie.
You and I are the same age.
*I* am not late middle-aged.
So, theoretically, *you* cannot be late middle-aged.
DAMMIT. (stamps paw)
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