Happy Boxing Day!
I got arty things for Christmas, for I’ve been arting all day.
The weather does this strange thing here: the wind will suddenly leap from 20 mph to 40+ mph, stay that way for a three or five hours, then just as suddenly die back again. It did it on Christmas Day, it’s doing it now, and I see it’s in the forecast for tomorrow.
Uncle B just went out to secure the tarp on the woodpile and found the wind had actually blown quite large logs down the drive. So I’d say the 40 mph is a lie. It must be upwards of 50, anyway.
It’s all very exciting. It’s like being in a ship on the high sea.
Posted: December 26th, 2017 under personal.
Comments: 4
Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: December 27, 2017, 2:10 am
I got myself a “grownup” connect the dots book. Have been having fun mixing colors – I started by doing a different color for every 100 dots, then I used my percentage dice to select a random number of dots for each color, then I divided the page into strips and used a different color for each strip. So far, I like the totally random look best. Next I’m going to try doing it in all black and adding spot color after.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 27, 2017, 9:32 pm
I didn’t really get anything, because we decided not to have Christmas after hearing we were going to die because of:
the tax cut,
the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord,
the elimination of net neutering (pet neutrality?)
and other stuff that was done and carelessly left laying around by that President guy.
Too bad, we paid off the mortgage and everything.
now we’re looking forward to more destruction in the coming year.
Up your Republic Trump!
Comment from dissent555
Time: December 27, 2017, 11:59 pm
The wind?
Irish giants, amirite?
Comment from Nina
Time: December 28, 2017, 7:50 pm
Boxing Day was spent driving about halfway home in the snow and ice. It was a long trip, but we got out of Portland and the snow dried up, then down to Salem, where we stayed the night. Smooth sailing all the way home from there, thankfully. Except for rush hour traffic when we hit our home town, naturally. Must have been a Kings game last night because the traffic downtown was terrible.
I hope everyone else’s was more fun than that!
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