You can, but should you?
So I soaked my ‘estate’ pipe in gin and sea salt until the ghost of the former owner ran away crying and then tried smoking a little mugwort.
It didn’t taste too awful at the time. It was fantastically enjoyable to see smoke coming out of my mouth for the first time in 21, almost 22, years. I don’t think I woke the beast. I hope not.
Effects? Hm. Not really. Slight headache and nasty taste in my mouth. I’ll let you know if I have super vivid dreams.
To be honest, I was a bit skeert and only smoked a little.
Posted: April 10th, 2018 under personal.
Comments: 12
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 11, 2018, 12:36 am
Mme. Ermine, we are looking forward to your morning report. If you had vivid and/or lucid dreams I sure hope they were pleasant ones of cute chickens, sleepy cats, and a handsome badger.
Comment from Monty James
Time: April 11, 2018, 9:03 am
This is beginning to feel like the plot of an After School Special.
“Weasel, we just got a call from the school. Tell us what this is that your mother found in your dresser drawer.”
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: April 11, 2018, 12:00 pm
Well, I had bizarre dreams last nite. Must have been a contact high from your mugwart.
Anyway, been following this burglar being shot by pensioner in the UK. As an American, it’s rather bizarre bc you break into someone’s home in the middle the night, the practice is to shoot them dead. Now, they keep setting up these memorials to him on the victim’s property. Neighbors tear them down, they put them up again (must have lots of bucks) and the cops do nothing.
Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: April 11, 2018, 1:51 pm
I’d be tempted to try this . . . except that my waking daydreams are vivid enough that I’m not sure I want to supercharge their nighttime cousins. A few years ago I took some melatonin before bed. In my dream that night, when I turned to see the back of my head in a mirror, the rear part of my skull was gone, and I could see my brain sitting inside like a egg in a frying pan. Not frying or anything, just sitting there. That was a dream I’d prefer to have forgotten, thankyouverymuch.
On the other hand, sometimes dreams give me good story ideas. So it *might* be worth trying.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: April 11, 2018, 2:56 pm
Ric – stabbed.
Brave old guy if you ask me.
Damn shame he’s now a virtual prisoner in his own home.
On the dreams –
I’ve tried the melatonin (5mg) – about all it did for me was make them easier to remember.
Comment from AliceH
Time: April 11, 2018, 7:04 pm
I’ve got two blended-for-sleep herbal teas that do seem to make a little improvement, as far as getting to sleep more easily. One include hops,valerian, lemon balm, passion flower, and skullcap, plus lavender and hibiscus, but I think those last two are just to make it look pretty. My sister-in-law says it smells like freshly-cut hay. I think that was a good thing.
The other one seems to improve my dreams, either making them more vivid, or else improving memory of them. It consists of calendula, red clover, lavender, lemon balm, catnip, oatstraw, skullcap, chamomile and thyme. Also stevia for sweetening the taste.
I encountered mugwort smoking in some novel I read recently, but can’t remember which one or how it fit in the plot. All I recall is it was considered a bad drug used by bad people and only slightly less bad than hanging out in opium dens. Very curious how this works out for you.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: April 11, 2018, 7:48 pm
The UK is so fcked!
Statement from Chief Superintendent Simon Dobinson, #Lewisham Borough commander, regarding the floral tributes placed in Hither Green …
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 11, 2018, 8:33 pm
It’s even slightly worse than that, Ric Fan. They aren’t really tributes. The burglar’s family are…eh, without using what could be construed as racial slurs, they are the local thug crime family. The ‘tributes’ are a reminder to the living that they are still in control.
No unusual dreams 🙁
Comment from Timbo
Time: April 11, 2018, 8:55 pm
An Englishman’s home was his castle, eh?
On another topic, my town just celebrated its 850th birthday. It is the port for the historical maritime pilgrimage route to Santiago (for the people who were too lazy to walk all across Spain). From here you only have to leg the last 40km.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: April 12, 2018, 5:58 pm
“without using what could be construed as racial slurs, they are the local thug crime family.”
Zee Germans?
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: April 12, 2018, 8:19 pm
A woman came forward and ID’d the dead guy as one of three who burglarized her a few months ago. Everytime I read aholes defending this guy and saying that the homeowner had no right to defend himself, his wife, or his property, I want to scream.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: April 14, 2018, 1:14 am
yep, zeee germans. daily mail gave it away by talking about their plan for a funeral procession.
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