Pop Tarts!!!!
Uncle B buyed me some. It’s amazing how cheering it is to bump into an old, disreputable friend like this. Though I’m so old, I still think of frosting as a newfangled impertinence. I think you can buy them in some supermarkets here, too, but they’re in heretical flavors like chocolate marshmallow.
We bought these from Amazon Pantry. First we’ve ever used it. I assume it works the same in the States.
You buy “a box”, but they don’t really tell you what means. Only, every time you put something in it, they tell you what percentage of the box is full. I suspect it’s by volume, not weight. We bought six six-packs of a fizzy lemonade we find hard to get in the stores, so ours was super heavy without filling “a box”.
A tiny woman carried it to our door, which was somewhat shaming (I found it hard lifting). The famous box was plenty sturdy, I must say.
Eh. We’d probably do it again.
Posted: July 31st, 2018 under food, personal.
Comments: 10
Comment from Bob
Time: July 31, 2018, 10:25 pm
I bumped into this video that contains a bus being used as a chicken coop. Some folks in rural New Hampshire are living “off the grid” in shacks and non-driveable vehicles. They hired a tractor operator to rearrange some of the RVs on the lot and he took the video. The video in the link should start as he approaches the green bus. Notice the upstairs and the connection to the main dwelling. https://youtu.be/ABQf0Taeers?t=95
Comment from Drew458
Time: July 31, 2018, 10:55 pm
The Amazon Pantry box is so sturdy you won’t want to throw it out, and you’ll keep it to store other things in. Yes, the box is filled by volume, so buy small heavy things to fill it up. Soup cans, batteries, fruitcake, canned hams, V-8 juice. I’m sure there’s a max weight, but I ordered one that must have tipped the scales at 75lb. It’s great if you can’t get out to the store, or if you live in the far corners of the world where they don’t sell essentials like peanut butter or proper salsa or bricks of good coffee.
Comment from OldFert
Time: August 1, 2018, 5:26 am
Besides Prime Pantry we also have been using the WalMart grocery service. You place your order on the computer, then set up a time to drive over and pick it up. Really great for guys like me who don’t want to wander around the supermarket for an hour or so to do the shopping. No charge for the service.
Our local WalMart lady, as she was putting the stuff in the car, told us that they’re trying to get with Uber for delivery, so we won’t even have to go pick the stuff up.
Now, if they’d only put the stuff in the kitchen (like the guy did in Japan). That’d be great!
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: August 1, 2018, 9:55 am
We have a lot of that here, OldFert – one outfit in particular (a company called Ocado) pioneered the home delivery business in the UK and that’s all it does – it doesn’t have any bricks and mortar stores at all. All the major supermarkets have home delivery schemes but Ocado has got it down to a fine art: timed deliveries up to 11pm (Sundays included), help getting it in, sells just about everything – they’d probably help you eat it, if you asked.
The problem is, I actually enjoy shopping, so only use Ocado on rare occasions. Her Stoatliness, on the other paw, hates shopping with a passion. The first thing she does in a supermarket is find a wi-fi hotspot and stand there, shoulders hunched, staring at her fone, looking like a sulky teenager who has been dragged, forcibly, to help Mum with the shopping.
Not sure about Amazon Pantry. We tried it once to quickly get special food for the New Beast (still as yet unnamed). It only sells dried, canned and packeted stuff here and it’s not that cheap. I also am starting to hate the FAANGS and resent every last penny I spend helping them promote SJW causes while behaving in ways that would shame a railroad baron.
Comment from Steve Skubinna
Time: August 1, 2018, 2:49 pm
Don’t chew one into a gun shape! Or a knife! And munching a Mohammed portrait is also right out!
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: August 1, 2018, 3:04 pm
That picture looks to be of some sort of infidel Pop-Tart!
There are no Pop-Tarts but Brown Sugar Cinnamon or un-frosted Strawberry or un-frosted Cinnamon!
Cramps to the unbelievers!
Do you toast them?
Comment from Jon
Time: August 1, 2018, 4:42 pm
If Chocolate Marshmallow Pop-Tarts are wrong I don’t want to be right!
Comment from Armybrat
Time: August 1, 2018, 5:39 pm
I haven’t tried amazon pantry yet. Might give it a try in a few months when I switch over to shopping services for the winter. I hate to get my car out in the winter…the salt, the asshole New England drivers who can’t figure out how to drive in the snow even though winter and snow are regular here, the lack of parking made even more dire by stacks of snow taking up spaces. So starting about the first of Oct I start using delivery services. Husband doesn’t complain because he doesn’t have to listen to me bitch about Boston drivers until June.
Comment from dustoffmom
Time: August 1, 2018, 6:15 pm
Several years ago I discovered the joy of ordering my massive bags of dog food from Amazon. I normally get 40-50 lbs at a time, and since I have long been a Prime member my shipping is covered. Well sort of. But how happy it makes me to see the UPS or USPS fellas carrying that box to my house and putting it inside where I want it! Yes, I can get it a few bucks cheaper elsewhere, but I do not have to muscle it into the cart, then into the car and then out of the car and into the house! Believe me, this 66 yr old widow who lives alone is happy to pay for that service!!
Comment from AliceH
Time: August 1, 2018, 8:51 pm
I used to love an occasional unfrosted apple cinnamon poptart, but they no longer make them. I’ve looked at recipes for making them from scratch, but that really defeats the whole junk/indulgence factor.
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