Day 14: Clock
The Dillards did a song called “What’s Time to a Hog?” which seems appropriate here.
Yeah, it’s digital. Which sucks, but there was no way I intended to draw a clock face in perspective. Too much like hard work.
Stupid ellipses.
Posted: October 14th, 2018 under personal.
Comments: 2
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: October 15, 2018, 11:36 am
“Cocks crow was good enough for your ancestors! Take that ya filthy mechanical Spinning Jenny timekeeper! Up with shorter working days!”
Cornish Luddite hen (the modern version has all black feathers and wears a little wool cap and bandanna across her beak)
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: October 15, 2018, 5:49 pm
It has been fun trying to guess what you might draw each day, based on the word prompt. I have been surprised and enjoyed the drawings enormously. The only guess I got right—in thirteen days—was “precious.” I also expected that you would draw a clock for today though I did not expect the chicken to be standing on it.
Obviously after a few days, I think we all realized that you would be offering fairly uncomplicated drawings—you didn’t have time for the intricate drawings we had suggested (a hen on a whale swing, for example). 🙂 I wondered if it would be easier to draw a chicken every day, or harder. I’ve decided that it must be easier if you are halfway to knowing what you are going to draw, and creativity begets creativity (at least that is how it works for me). Though some of those word prompts are doozies, to say the least.
Your reference to the folk song What’s Time to a Hog, reminded me of the old joke, for which What’s Time to a Hog? is the punch line. I think I first heard the comedian Jerry Clower of Yazoo City, Mississippi tell the joke, and that was a long long time ago. Husband and I many times have found ourselves in a situation that is going to be tedious and time consuming, and one of us always says, “but what’s time to a hog?”
Stoaty! You are half-way through with InkTober! Hooray Hooray! I hope you are enjoying yourself and that the ideas are flowing.
I’ve written in NaNoWriMo twice (2009 and 2015) and was so near quitting every damn day of the last week. Please don’t quit.
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