Bad timing
In case you can’t read that first Subject: line through the moiré, it is “12 Items on your Steam Wishlist Are on Sale!” I could not possibly care less. Bad timing, Steam.
And no, I still haven’t done anything about replacing my computer. I’m shopping. Very, very slowly.
Oh, yah – I’m waiting to catch grief for Fur Hat World and comiXology.
p.s. That last one is Book Runes, a daily mailing of free Kindle books that are totally free books for a reason.
Posted: November 21st, 2018 under personal.
Comments: 10
Comment from Weaselphone
Time: November 21, 2018, 9:41 pm
I want to see what happens when I post phone emojis to the blog.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 21, 2018, 9:42 pm
Well, whadya know. They post.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: November 21, 2018, 10:13 pm
By the way, I hope you understand that you’ll be stuck with Windows 10 if you get a current generation processor. Microsoft has strong-armed Intel and AMD into not providing Windows 7 drivers for their current models. Of course, there are some AMD motherboards out there whose manufacturers do provide Windows 7 drivers for the latest toys, but you have to be able to get by without USB support during the installation, and you have to be able to load the drivers for the PS2 mouse and keyboard during that process. There are people who know how to do that, but you most likely aren’t one of them. And neither am I.
Comment from technochitlin
Time: November 21, 2018, 10:44 pm
I’ve been using Windows since v.1 and 10 is the best they’ve ever made.
Is Windows 10 perfect? Absolutely not. But it is the best PC operating system out there. I figure this statement will provoke a cascade of haters, but I’m tough.
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: November 21, 2018, 11:13 pm
I wonder how many OS’s have been used by technochitlin?
In my experience, most people would do fine with either iOS or MacOS. Use your devices like toasters or any other appliance.
Now, if you want to spend time on mating power supplies to motherboards, then sure, Microsoft is great. Some people make their toast using propane torches too.
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: November 22, 2018, 12:39 am
@technochitlin …I was wary at first because of all the talk about spying but I’m okay with Windows 10 now…I don’t pay much attention to the new stuff anyway cuz I just cover my desktop with the icons I need 🙂
@SWeasel …Asus motherboards are the best!…lots of Black Friday sales going on now (even here in Canada), not a bad time to shop for ‘puter stuff. Half my Steam wishlist is on sale…I will not bend to temptation though, had a crap year with the business…Prime Minister Selfie is destroying our economy, what little there was of it.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: November 22, 2018, 12:52 am
Windows 10 is not bad at all, as long as I use a “Classic Interface” on it. I will say though, that Windows 8 is the reason that I am typing this on an IPad and that Mrs Vegetable has an Airbook and an IPad, and that it was also a factor in our choosing iPhones. She had it, -hated it- and tossed her bucks-up laptop in the corner and refused to use it. Hence the Airbook.
I am currently using Windows 10 on that laptop I inherited from Mrs Vegetable and we get along just fine except for the incessant updating it requires. It never crashes, and only very rarely pisses me off, that usually being when I want to use it NOW and I have to wait for it to finish booting after some update.
Still I’m conflicted by my prejudices. I really believe deep in my soul that when there’s work to be done, it’s Windows. However, I also feel like I can’t buy enough (metaphorically speaking) condoms to protect me from the bad, bad, world out there. I don’t keep any data I care about on it (I save that to thumb drives), I use StartPage rather than Google, and I clean the cookies off it every time with CC cleaner. So…. Airbook for me next time?
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: November 22, 2018, 1:30 am
Try Kaspersky for your protection. They are not owned by Five Eyes, and thus do not have backdoors.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: November 22, 2018, 7:55 pm
GPUs for workstations:
But I suspect your actual application would be fine with a gaming GPU in lieu of an actual workstation GPU.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: November 23, 2018, 3:28 pm
@some vegetable -“However, I also feel like I can’t buy enough (metaphorically speaking) condoms to protect me from the bad, bad, world out there.”. And that right there was why I threw my PC in a corner and hubby and I now own an Airbook, 2 Ipads and Iphones. That and I am a techno moron. I got tired of figuring out how to make it all work together. With Apple, I just plug it in and it all talks to each other.
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