My cup, let me show you it
I bought a few of these for cheaps on Ebay. They are hand-thrown terra cotta cups, glazed on the inside and unglazed on the outside. They look like what Judah ben Hur would drink his Ovaltine out of.
I’ve been making chai. Not out of chai mix, but out of bits. I am enjoying myself very much, as only a weasel with a chemistry set can. It seemed right to drink it out of one of these. I keep waiting to transmogriphy into Mrs Hyde, but so far it’s just a delicious beverage that makes me piss like a dray horse.
Of all the supposed benefits of multiculturalism, the only ones I appreciate are interesting food, textiles and ceramics.
Posted: March 4th, 2019 under food, personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from LesterIII
Time: March 4, 2019, 10:21 pm
If you *do* transmogrify, I hope:
1. It is because you used specific bits, and not from the glaze on the inside
2. You wanted to
3. Uncle B shares the photographic evidence
4. You share the recipe
Comment from CantHarkMyCry
Time: March 4, 2019, 10:42 pm
What bits? I’d like to have the recipe even if it doesn’t cause you to transmogrify!
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: March 4, 2019, 10:58 pm
Mme. Hermine, another multiculti benefit is more excuses to throw a party. The best example over here is St. Patrick’s Day. Plus I’ve seen some spectacular fireworks displays on the Chinese New Year (the best was San Francrisco).
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: March 5, 2019, 12:25 am
And thus I blame my sudden fixation with Japanese rice/soup cuisine on the purchase of a ceramic bowl with a lid and two little wingy handle things, and ex girlfriend of son #3 gifting me with very nice chopsticks on her return from a trip to Japan.
Well, that and I truly enjoy my trips to the Korean market.
I realize Korean != Japanese (well, not like they didn’t try, shhhh! shhhh!) however the Korean market stocks their shelves to appeal to the Asian cultures from India all the way to the tip of Hokkaido
Comment from CantHarkMyCry
Time: March 5, 2019, 2:19 am
We have a couple of supermarkets like that in my area, durnedyankee. Humbling to wander through trying to puzzle out what everything is. But. . .educational.
Comment from Bob
Time: March 5, 2019, 2:41 am
FWIW, Celestial Seasonings markets a black tea named “Morning Thunder”. I’ve never tried it, but the name has always amused me.
You can buy it at Amazon.
Comment from thefritz
Time: March 5, 2019, 2:42 am
that vessel would of been perfect for the nif-tea we brewed in college. A nasty blend of a certain mushroom that, well…was the 70’s.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: March 5, 2019, 2:16 pm
CantHark – I’m sure the non-native citizenry derive some entertainment out of my failing vision peering studiously at arcane symbols trying desperately to find something in English however small the text might be.
That and my knocking over an end cap, spilling the contents across the floor when I tried to make way for a cute young oriental female type person.
I know the smiling young stocking clerk (clark) who I passed the debris to for reshelving seemed amused.
The sons enjoy the various images of ‘old guy’ trying fuzzy furriner foods and (most likely) making a hash of preparation.
They have their father’s sense of humor I suppose.
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