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Ya think?

Well, it made me laugh. Also, please note the police don’t suspect it’s arson, they suspect it’s suspected arson. And that one sad, lonely quotation mark…perfect!

The actual story is boring. Though I note that they as

I picked up my new glasses today. I’ve been careening around with my head tilted to one side dealing with old pairs of glasses with one missing earpiece. I think I have five pairs now.

They did the exam two weeks ago. I paid an extra £10 for a 3D scan and then the examiner and I flew around the inside of my eyeballs like we were fixing to take out the Death Star. I have shallow fissures inside that are apparently not dangerous. It was kind of creepy, honestly.

They said a week to ten days on the glasses, but to call them if two weeks went by. That really should have been a hint. It’ll be two weeks tomorrow, and sure enough – my glasses have apparently been rattling around in the office for who knows how long.

What happened to making them while you wait? Nah, don’t answer that. I think we’re going to have to get used to shit service for a while, and covid is the scapegoat.


Comment from OldFert
Time: June 21, 2022, 12:59 am

They still make your glasses while you wait. You just have to wait two weeks.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: June 21, 2022, 1:10 am

Did anyone else chuckle at this fire incident in Wick?

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: June 21, 2022, 2:07 am

@Rich Rostrom — Y’know, I suspected that the Wick Police suspected that the fire was suspected arson, but then realized that their very name makes me suspect that they likely suspect that every suspected fire is suspected arson.

Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: June 21, 2022, 6:25 am

The Chinese Crud is the scapegoat for anything and everything these days – and it will be for the foreseeable future.

Just wait until we pine for the ‘good old days’ when we were able to get shite service. Plus everything will cost 5x what it costs now.

Gov’t: “You will enjoy your shite sandwich, and you will be thankful.”

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: June 21, 2022, 11:12 am

Daily Fail headlines are only sort of English, and it’s adding words like “suspected” and “alleged” and xir insistence on using variations of the phrase ” shot dead” that make them silly, ending up as a headline –

“Video shows suspected undercover officer shooting dead man allegedly robbing store”.

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