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Almost enough to buy the book


Fun website flogging a book of short stories. I almost hit the button on it, then I realized, “hey, wait…I don’t read any more.”

Anyhow, it’s sounds quirky and eccentric. I’m getting tired of quirky and eccentric. I don’t think quirky and eccentric should be the gold standard of meritorious fiction. More straight cowboys and moms who knit colorful hats, I say. And pirate stories. And bacon. I could really go for some bacon and eggs this morning.

Found at Aphra Behn.

June 11, 2007 — 9:34 am
Comments: 12

Rhymes with “penis”

Today is Enas Yorl‘s birthday. After being rude to Pupster for his birthday yesterday, I couldn’t let the occasion pass without mortally insulting Enas in some way.

Every time I see “Enas” I think “rhymes with ‘penis'” — I don’t know if it does, I just think that. I looked it up once. Enas Yorl is a character in the Thieves’ World Series, which is a fantasy anthology written by multiple authors. I missed it somehow. It must’ve happened during my Illiterate Phase.

So it is pretty remarkable that all but one link on the first page of Google hits for “Enas Yorl” — including the top one — are for the blogger, not the book. More popular than the original!

Happy birthday! God, I feel like Miss Nancy on Romper Room.

April 17, 2007 — 12:07 pm
Comments: 22

You know what I love about being a drunk?

Every day has the potential to be April Fool’s and Christmas morning rolled into one.

Like the morning I woke up and my bedroom furniture had been completely rearranged. Not knocked over, mind. Carefully rearranged. (Okay, actually…that morning scared the shit out of me and I toned it way down for a while).

Today I got a package in the mail: a book I have no memory of ordering. It’s like a present from Drunken Me to Sober Me. Drunken Me has pretty good taste and knows better than to order anything over ten bucks or so, so I’m not bothered.

Looks interesting. Spam Kings: The Real Story behind the High-Rolling Hucksters Pushing Porn, Pills, and %*@)# Enlargements. Under three dollars, hardback, in Amazon buy it used. I love buy it used.

Though why they insisted on misspelling ‘$*!)@’, I have no idea.

February 14, 2007 — 7:59 pm
Comments: 6