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Wot a nice mustelid!

I decided on the Google Pixel 7a phone in the end. Before I could nerve myself up to buy it, Uncle B handed me a box earlier today – he bought it for me! Awwww.

Next comes the misery of setting up a new phone. I’m sure the last time I did it, it swooshed all my old data up to the cloud and swooshed it back down onto the new phone. Now, you git yer USB-C cable and connect the one phone directly to the other by USB port.

Something vaguely obscene about that.

All done. I have a few work-specific apps that I’ll need to finish setting up from the office, and I still have to teach it to recognize my bluetooth devices, but it was pretty painless.

Then comes my favorite part: choosing a ringtone. There are like 70 of them already on this phone! We laughed ourselves silly over some of them.

Which is good. I have a spasm of anxiety every time I hear a phone ring, so I choose silly sounds for my ringtone and change it periodically. An unfamiliar or silly sound doesn’t trigger that same gut-level uh-oh reflex.

For my main ringtone, I chose a woman’s fruity voice saying “ringggg, ringggg!” There was a very good flock of chickens one, but I used to have a ringtone like it and whenever my phone rang, I thought there was trouble in the henhouse.

And for Uncle B’s custom ringtone, a scratchy Victrola record tune. Because old.

My old phone keeps waking up and looking around. I think it’s sad.

June 26, 2024 — 5:38 pm
Comments: 9