Head chicken
So, this happens. Every night.
I had hoped to integrate the little girls into the flock not long from now, but Maggie’s still quite unwell. She’s got some leg movement back, but not much. Still, she’s eating. She takes an interest in her surroundings. I just can’t give up on her yet.
So, long story short, the little girls come inside for the night again. They sleep in one of those big plastic cat carriers. And Coco is a little restless, shut up in a box, and apt to steamroll over Maggie in an unhelpful way, so I let her out for a while until everybody settles down.
In case you can’t quite make it out, that’s the top of my head. With headphones. She loves the headphones.
Posted: August 8th, 2013 under birds, personal.
Comments: 29
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 8, 2013, 10:09 pm
And no, she doesn’t crap down my neck nearly as much as you’d think. They do actually have some control over that.
Comment from Bikeboy
Time: August 8, 2013, 10:16 pm
“She loves the headphones.”
Chickens love headphones? Who knew?!! But she must look silly wearing big people-size headphones.
Comment from mojo
Time: August 8, 2013, 10:33 pm
WARNING!! Danger Will Robinson!
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: August 8, 2013, 11:03 pm
Bikeboy: But she must look silly wearing big people-size headphones.
In Soviet Weasel-land, Headphones wear Chicken!
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: August 8, 2013, 11:08 pm
Hope your chicken gets better soon!
Comment from Oceania
Time: August 8, 2013, 11:49 pm
Better be careful of fibril associated lung disease Sweasle …. it isn’t a nice way to die.
Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: August 9, 2013, 12:24 am
(there was (still is?) a bar in West Philly called HNIC. I’ll let y’all figure it out)
Comment from Deborah
Time: August 9, 2013, 2:07 am
I think Maggie likes your marshmallow heart 😉
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: August 9, 2013, 2:18 am
Its all fun until you get chicken poop down the back of your collar.
Comment from Paula Douglas
Time: August 9, 2013, 2:50 am
Too cute. Sorry that poor Maggie is still ailing, though. Will the local small animal vets accept chickens as clients?
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: August 9, 2013, 2:51 am
Would a chiropractor help? Maybe her spine needs aligning or whatever you pay a chiropractor for?
Comment from Oceania
Time: August 9, 2013, 6:25 am
I found some of Old Scubes Former Cabin Mates!
Comment from Oceania
Time: August 9, 2013, 9:32 am
Sorry to hear about the passing of Sweasles Chicken …
However, given the apparent size of the Broilers head, there won’t be enough to make a single Chicken McNugget!
Comment from sandman has advice
Time: August 9, 2013, 12:31 pm
My friend who raised livestock said something about selenium levels in cows and chickens having something to do with not walking very well, or not at all.
Just putting that out there.
Comment from Mrs Compton
Time: August 9, 2013, 7:53 pm
Cutest fascinator I’ve ever seen!!
Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: August 9, 2013, 9:08 pm
Terrestrial selenium doesn’t have any benefits. you need genuine Lunar selenium, which can only be obtained by moonbathing nude. So shave that sick chicken bald & duct-tape her to the roof at night.
Comment from feynmangroupie
Time: August 9, 2013, 9:33 pm
Isn’t there a joke out there about a person with a chicken on his/her head walking into a bar?
I’m having my own beloved critter problems, so I see your fretful ministrations and raise you sleeplessness and excessive vet bills.
My 16 yr old one-eyed husky is now a blind one-eyed husky, but he’s rallying.
Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: August 9, 2013, 9:54 pm
Comment from feynmangroupie
Time: August 9, 2013, 9:33 pm
Isn’t there a joke out there about a person with a chicken on his/her head walking into a bar?
Barack Obama walks into a bar (in Georgetown, naturally) with a parrot on his shoulder.
The bartender says, “Wow, that’s neat! Where’d you get it?”
& the parrot responds, “Africa!”
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: August 9, 2013, 10:01 pm
Do your chickens like watermelon? My new one is mad for the stuff!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 9, 2013, 10:31 pm
Who can afford to feed watermelon to chickens? That shit’s expensive!
They do love leftover quiche Lorraine, though.
Comment from scottthebadger
Time: August 9, 2013, 11:40 pm
Chickens are cannibalistic?
Comment from Nina
Time: August 10, 2013, 4:43 am
Chickens will eat anything!
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: August 10, 2013, 8:55 am
I just give her the rinds. She cleans it down to the pith, and the deer take care of the rest.
At one time, we had 39 deer browsing the yard every other day. When they get to that large a population, they get all mangy, and the first hard winter takes most of them out. That happened in 2008/9 when we had 20 degree (-5C) temps for about two weeks straight. That spring, a mountain lion patrolled the ridge for about six weeks, and I’m sure she got a few of them. (along with some housecats and poodles)
We’re about halfway through another population buildup. They should over-reach this area’s carrying capacity around 2015.
Yes, Mr. Scott Badger, chickens are raptors. If one chicken starts acting strangely, she’ll be bones in about 15 minutes! I once had a rooster that had been killed by the mail truck. I buried him about three feet deep. Next morning he had been dug up and partially eaten. I assumed it was my collie,I scolded him and reburied the roo. The next day the rooster had been dug up again, and snacked upon further.
Normally, I never have to tell my dogs to not do something twice, but I’m a gentle trainer. I was concerned for my collie’s health, so I confined him to his run, dug an even deeper hole, and put Mr. Sunshine to his hopefully final rest yet again. (That was his name. At the time, I was still in the habit of giving our “Barnyard Associates” names.)
The next morning he had been dug up again, and was missing. I found his feathers, bones, beak and feet amongst the chickens.
I switched to ducks.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: August 10, 2013, 9:03 am
By the way, Stoaty,that look WORKS for you!
I grew up in women’s retail and am permitted to make such pronouncements.
I also grew up in heavy construction. I can demolish a building, build the replacement, and sell you a fabulous ensemble to wear at the dedication.
Yeah, I’m a jumble.
Comment from scottthebadger
Time: August 10, 2013, 9:46 pm
Did you apologise to your collie? I don’t know what surprises me more, that chickens like quiche, or that chickens would know how to make a quiche.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: August 11, 2013, 6:18 pm
Scottthebadger, yes, I did. He got liver for dinner.
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: August 12, 2013, 12:29 am
Bob Mulroy @ August 10, 2013, 8:55 amI buried him about three feet deep. Next morning he had been dug up and partially eaten… I found his feathers, bones, beak and feet amongst the chickens.
Chickens eating any sort of organic debris is expected.
But chickens digging three feet deep to get to it? That is a surprise.
How can they dig? Scratching at the surface, yes. But how would chickens move a foot of dirt out of a hole two feet deep?
The mind boggles.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: August 12, 2013, 8:26 am
Indeed. I suppose they yank up bits of soil until they get to the goodies.
The mind does boggle. That’s why I switched to ducks. Ducks are not at all cannibalistic.
Comment from Stephen Falken
Time: August 13, 2013, 7:41 pm
Lookit! Head Chicken is starting to catch on!
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