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Community organizing his own ass right into a forked stick

will community organize for votes

Well, well…the Chosen One has awfully thin skin, it turns out. Mustn’t mock. (I didn’t realize Obama’s brand of ‘community organizing’ included working with ACORN, the ‘get out the vote’ group that gets out the votes of dead people and illegal immigrants. More detail from Michelle Malkin in National Review Online today).

Obama’s early and broad appeal was largely because he was so gosh darned likeable. Even your humble Weasel bought into it. I was, like, “they love their guy, I hate our guy, we can’t win them all…let’s give them this one.”

That began to unravel long before I caught Palinmania. The disastrous trip to Europe was his first big stumble (dude, you don’t cross the Atlantic and trash talk America).

And then…Joe Biden! Fucking Slow Joe Biden, whom I have despised ever since I watched him put my favorite jurist’s tits through the wringer (Thomas, not Bork). What did that pick say? “I know what America needs, and it’s pretty much somebody exactly like McCain, but without the War Hero stuff.” Bad, bad mistake. I don’t think he could possibly have run with Hillary, but he SO TOTALLY should’ve picked somebody as new and interesting and Hopey Changey as he is, to maintain the Illusion. A gassy old DC wheeze like Biden is tragically wrong for the part.

And now it looks like Obama has a glass jaw. VP candidates brawl. It’s what they do. P candidates don’t respond. It’s what they don’t — if they don’t want to look weak and defensive.

O-pollo voluntarily came down from O-lympus. Ho ho ho. How’s that ‘mortality’ thing working for you, pal?


Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 9:39 am

And so tragically unnecessary. He could have kept his mouth shut, maintained his superior air, and ten thousand surrogates in the media would have done the dirty work for him. Not to mention his actual paid staff and sincere supporters.

Meanwhile, my spam makes me feel like a champ. This is all from one (with the links cut out):

Hello !
The Author, you – super hero!

Very good contents…
There was merrily!

Excellent webforum!
Very good contents…

I is pleasantly amazed! Thank!!!
Excellent site with fantastic references and reading…. well done indeed…!

Wow! Good resources here, Enjoyed the visit!

I is pleasantly amazed in addition! Thank!!!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:05 am


Best vanity plate EVAR. From The Corner.

Comment from Cuffy Meigs
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:25 am

HA! That plate is great…but not as good as your Hobo-ma pshop.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:33 am

Hoboma! Ha!

Comment from Scubafreak
Time: September 5, 2008, 11:10 am

Stoaty – He’s LIVEN A LIE!!!!! YEEHAA!!!!


Comment from Nicole
Time: September 5, 2008, 11:34 am

This is just beyond awesome.

http: //hotair.com/archives/2008/09/05/a-palin-cone-of-silence/

“That she can talk to you?”

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 5, 2008, 11:37 am

One of Snobama’s spokes-sphinctors just said they don’t think Palin is a fit mother.
Loving her callers.
‘Bristol made an adult decision to have sex and she is doing the adult thing by taking responsibility.’

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 11:56 am

I too couldn’t believe he picked Joe. I have said for months that Obama doesn’t even know much about politics. Even his supporters are missing a few. Hot political tip for the Obamabots: don’t go on and on about how your guy is better prepared then the VP pick on the other side.

Lordy, this cracks me up. McCain must be laughing his butt off. Who would have thought McCain was this sly.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 12:06 pm

Joe was a dreadful, dreadful pick. I don’t expect lefties will find him as actively repulsive as I do, but he’s the worst possible fit with Obama’s message.

I’m surprised at some in, for example, the NRO crowd who admit a sneaking fondness for Biden. I can only put that together with the cool reception some of those same folks gave Sarah Palin and conclude that people inside the beltway in some ways have more in common with each other, left and right, than righties inside have with righties outside.

Ummm…if you know what I mean.

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 5, 2008, 12:13 pm

I can hear McCain’s snicker from hear. The shit disturbin’ was never beat out of him.

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 12:20 pm

Just on the political aspects of it, it was a dumb pick. He’s been running for Prez for 20 years, and no one ever wanted him. Oh yeah, this year, everyone is on fire for Biden (snicker.)

It’s that alien thing, weasel. They talk amongst themselves and are convinced that’s what Americans want, by virtue of being elected. Then they’re surprised at the reaction. See, immigration reform.

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 5, 2008, 12:39 pm

They talk amongst themselves and are convinced that’s what Americans want, by virtue of being elected.

I’m more cynical than you. I don’t think they care about what Americans want.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 12:40 pm

It’s a funny thing, PnB. You know how much I dislike McCain. Always have. This Palin thing has got me so chuffed, I actually feel affection for the dessicated old coot.

I’m hoping that (finally) being in the receiving end of the adulation of his party will similarly soften his attitude toward ‘wingers like us.

Comment from iamfelix
Time: September 5, 2008, 12:48 pm

Dear Author! you – super hero! (LOL)

I like what Mark Levin has called Biden for several years — “The Dumbest Man in the Senate.” That *is* quite an accomplishment. And loooove the Hoboma pic.

I’m more cynical than you. I don’t think they care about what Americans want.

I so agree.

Pingback from Powerful Stupid Lefties Try to Explain Community Organizing « Gabriel Malor
Time: September 5, 2008, 1:01 pm

[…] And S. Weasel observes: […]

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 5, 2008, 1:07 pm

I agree weasel. By learning more about his background and steel, ornery, backbone, I have a smidge more respect for him. Just a smidge.

Speaking of old coots, I miss McGoo. He must be going nuts not being able to give his 2 cents to his imaginary innertube friends.

Comment from Muslihoon
Time: September 5, 2008, 1:08 pm

Dad was not too pleased with McCain picking Palin. He’s a very, very staunch McCain supporter. But he’s beginning to turn around as he sees how disastrous this pick was for Obama.

One point he made is that people flocked to Obama because of the novelty of him. But now McCain has brought in something newer and better, and people will flock to her. Obama’s sole point of popularity has been diminished if not defeated. What helps the Republicans is not only that Palin is novel but effective and good for the people.

I’ve been telling him that what Obama claims and hopes to implement, McCain and Palin have already demonstrated.

I’m surprised no one is more publicly saying, “McCain and Palin actually brought change. They increased hope. They challenged the establishment. When was the last time either Obama or Biden did any of this?”

And why no one is asking, “When was the last time Obama and/or Biden defied and challenged the Democratic Party?”

Comment from bonhomme
Time: September 5, 2008, 1:11 pm

I like what Mark Levin has called Biden for several years — “The Dumbest Man in the Senate.”

It’s a good thing Levin doesn’t say dumbest person in the Senate, because that title goes to Maria Cantwell. Got damn that woman is a post.

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 5, 2008, 1:32 pm

Late last night, reading Ace’s post ‘Barracude bite:’, this had me giggling like a loon –

…”After two pages of ads, you know what it features?

A two-page spread on how chic (their word) Michelle Obama is. Lots off glamor shots of her with her daughters and husband — See! Look! Here’s a solid marriage, as opposed to that dysfunctional white-trash train-wreck on the cover!

GF: “Gee, what are they trying to tell me here?”

Some sample text for your enjoyment. Quotes are quoted in the magazine, coming from designers and fashionistas, but of course reflect the editorial opinion of Jann Wenner.

Michelle’s Campaign Style
Mrs. Obama kept it simple and chic…

“Her style can best be described as timeless”…

“Mrs. Obama possesses a natural and unpretentious sophistication….”

Michelle has “the grace and beauty of a dancer…”

Yes, and the forehead ridges of a Klingon bat’leth warrior.“…………

Comment from Gibby Haynes
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:03 pm

Oh, Michelle Obama is a Klingon? That makes sense; it’ll explain why she’s always pissed off.

Hey B, you know your greenhouse? What am I saying, of course you know it – it’s yours. Eh, anyway, did you build it yourself or get someone else to do it? And what kind of foundation is it on? I’m thinking of building one and was considering digging a trench and filling it with concrete to make a foundation for it. Damn wind blew my polythene-and-metal-tube jobby away.

Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:13 pm

I wondered if anyone else thought she looked like a klingon. Especially given the way her eyebrows were plucked for the DNC.

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:16 pm

Oooo, just think we could have Cindy McCain as First Lady. Adoption and adoption reform could be her major theme. That’s all she needs to talk about, her experiences. The implication: a McCain/Palin admin. is pro-baby (we’ve lived our whole lives that way.)

Comment from Dave in Texas
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:17 pm

That Hobo-ma shop is so unbelievably awesome I am going to OD on awesomeness.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:21 pm

It’s the eyebrows, I’m telling you. If she just plucked her eyebrows straight across, Michelle’s friendliness factor would go up by ten.

Seriously. The other day, I was looking for her convention speech online and the only format I found was one I couldn’t play at work. So instead, I watched clips of her at various campaign stops.

She’s good. She connects with people better than he does. Notwithstanding the aggrieved tone of her autobiography (she seems to feel besieged from all sides), she had a way of making listeners draw in and feel similarly besieged.

I don’t really ‘get’ him in the same way. That phony baloney preacher affectation — I mean, geez, he was raised by white people in Hawaii, for chrissakes, what’s with the accent? — just sounds silly to me.

But she’s more conversational and direct. She’s just gotta fix those eyebrows.

Comment from apb
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:30 pm

F-N brilliant p-shop! Thanks for the laugh…

Comment from Jill
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:32 pm

Random comments courtesy of moi, the Democrap:

1. I don’t think the media would dare walk on anything but eggshells where Mrs. Obama or her lil’ chillins are concerned: Heaven forbid anyone speak about her the way they do about Sarah Palin. They’d be accused of being racist. Think about it: if the tables were turned it would be a huge media bloodbath.

2. There’s something about Joseph Biden that makes my skin crawl and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Is it his dire need of a haircut? Is it the fact that he ran for president 8 years ago and got his ass handed to him because of his record in the Senate? Or is it the fact that he’s only slightly less smarmy than my other favorite dumbass, Rick Santorum?

I could STILL kick myself for not buying the t-shirt on teh interwebs that said “Santorum is Latin for Asshole”.

3. PnB is right: there’s loads of people in politics that are only there for the ME factor. They’re so good at lying that they now believe their own bullshit. If you’ve never been to a meeting of your local elected officials, you should go. Hopefully, you are being served by those whom you’ve chosen to represent you in the very best way they know.

It’s a difficult job, with long hours and very few thanks.
It’s not always going to be what you hoped it would be, but if you’re smart enough and enter into it with your eyes wide open, you know to expect that sort of thing.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:33 pm

Awww…thanks, y’all. It’s cut together from four photos in five layers and I wasn’t totally happy with it. In particular, his head isn’t sitting on the body right. The angle is wrong. But I wanted to use that head because it’s a well-known shot of him (I don’t ever want anyone thinking one of my ‘shops is real).

Anyhow, here it is in color if anyone wants it:

will community organize for votes

Comment from Doc Rochester
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:37 pm

Tres bien, mademoiselle, tres bien!

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:47 pm

Jill, don’t sweat it, my wife was a hardcore dem. She worked on Sen Moynihan’s staff, and worked like mad on the election campaign for Clinton. Hey, my wife and I had lunch back in the 90’s with Boxer, and Feinstein. Boxer in person is just as batshit crazy as she seems, Feinstein, I like and admire.

I just remembered the phone bills from that time. Yikes, I effectively gave money to the Clinton campaign back then. Does that hurt my ‘winger cred?

Comment from Scubafreak
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:50 pm

Stoatie, she isn’t a klingon, her eyebrows are of Vulcan and Romulan descent. I’d say half Romulan to explain the attitude…..

Comment from Jill
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:53 pm

Thanks, Allen. I shall now entertain you all with some interpretive dance!

> leap! twirl! trip-crash-boom <

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:54 pm

Moynihan was, by most accounts, a Dem worth working for. Bright guy. I watched him stick a fabulously stealthy shiv into Hillary’s ribs when she began her Senate run.

“I knew Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor Roosevelt loved everybody. And, Hillary, Eleanor Roosevelt would have loved you!”

It sounded like he was paying her a remarkable compliment until you thought about it. Her face could’ve curdled milk.

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 5, 2008, 2:58 pm

Moynihan did not like Hildebeast. At all.

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 3:13 pm

Oh man those were some fun times. We watched the crazy starting when Newt hit the scene. My wife came home one night from the local dem headquarters and told me she had just quit.


“Jesus, they think the phones and building are bugged by republican operatives.”


“They also don’t want to have a campaign event here at the house because we have a “mixed marriage” and you might give away their secrets.”

Holy crap.

Comment from Jill
Time: September 5, 2008, 3:46 pm

Okay, it’s Friday.

Time for teh sillies: http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/history3.htm

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 4:18 pm

Pahahahah, Jill! It didn’t play nice with Opera, but that was totally worth firing up IE.

We’re being ‘lanched, in case you hadn’t noticed. Gabe was kind enough to link the Obama image over at Ace’s. (I’m telling you guys — cruelty sells. I get more traffic on a mean ‘shop than a nice one every time).

My favorite part is watching the access logs. You get linked from one of the big guys, and the hits radiate outward like ripples in water to some of the strangest backwaters. This one got Craigslisted in Portland!

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 4:56 pm

Jill, bwahahaha! Never saw it coming.

Oh BTW weas, this one was great on many levels.

Comment from Lemur King
Time: September 5, 2008, 5:05 pm

Allen… that can’t be real. Tell me you’re pulling my leg… “mixed marriage”? That’s pretty… messed up.

THANKS Jill! I got two buddies who each have a parent that is dying(cancer)and some humor really really hits the spot.


Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 5:33 pm

LK, totally true. She went ballistic on it, and resigned as president of the HQ. The next day she changed her registration to independent.

Comment from Muslihoon
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:29 pm

“I knew Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor Roosevelt loved everybody. And, Hillary, Eleanor Roosevelt would have loved you!”

I don’t get it.

Comment from Scubafreak
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:30 pm


http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wJik26tDmE&feature=related

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:33 pm

Eleanor Roosevelt loved everybody, Musli. So it’s totally no big she would have loved Hillary. Hillary would have to be spectacularly godawful for Eleanor not to love her.

It’s like saying, “and let me tell you something — Hillary Clinton has two eyes, followed by a nose, with a mouth underneath.” Roosevelt is a professed role model for Hillary, so he was really fucking with her here.

Comment from Muslihoon
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:42 pm

Ah, thanks! I get it now!

Scubafreak: Before leaving home in the morning, Fox had a story on how Us was losing readers because of their anti-Palin story.

Comment from Scubafreak
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:45 pm

oh crap, this is LOW.

http ://downspalin.blogspot.com/

Don’t Libs have ANY SHAME?

Comment from iamfelix
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:50 pm

Scuba: In a word, no.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 6:50 pm

Jesus, Scubafreak. That’s so low I’m not sure I believe a lefty would dare to do it.

And that’s pretty fucking low.

Comment from Scubafreak
Time: September 5, 2008, 7:17 pm

Just once, I’d love to be able to lock down one of these sites so that it cannot be changed or deleted, and add a full face pic of the creator, along with all of their contact information, and announce the site to the entire world.

If they are so proud of what they created, let them stand proudly before the people.

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 7:35 pm

Bah, this kind of stuff doesn’t bother me; there are a whole lot of lunatics out there. Barry, that’s your base, happy?

We’re a murryin’ birthin’ kind of fambly. Speaking of which, it includes a whole passle of kids of huge varieties. In fact one of the kids is a Down’s Syndrome baby. Lummee that little baby.

Comment from Muslihoon
Time: September 5, 2008, 7:41 pm

How many kids, Allen?

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:00 pm

Musli, just one, but I have 3 siblings, and my wife has 5, with about 30 neices and nephews amongst us with their associated kids. A family get together of ours is like a UN meeting. I swear sometimes you need a translator. There were conversations going on in about 4 different languages at the last one.

Comment from LemurKing
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:06 pm

Yeah, that is beyond the pale. Way over the line. It’s sick enough that whoever thought it up needs some serious attention. I do not like it when innocent people are raked – physically or personally.

6MB had a point to make about Chicago, which could use some change. Yessirrrreeee. Yikes. That’s just the body count for the summer.

http ://sixmeatbuffet.com/archives/2008/09/05/chicago-is-hopping/

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:10 pm

The Weasel fambly is not very fecund; we manage to squeeze out one or two wan specimens per generation. Perhaps three.

Though I did go to a fambly reunion that reunited American Weasels going back to the 18th C. The original foundations of the original cabin from seventeen-thirty-something still exist. And the next home after that was still in Weasel hands until about ten years ago.

Creepy to walk through a graveyard with your name on every stone…

Comment from Pupster
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:13 pm

O-fish-all McCain/Palin merchandise now available.

Someone figured out that SARAH on top might be kind of popular.

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:26 pm

Speaking of family stuff, and Palin. My sister lives in Fairbanks… well actually her address is North Pole, AK.


Up there they don’t ask how many years have you lived here. They ask, “how many winters have you lived here.”

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:37 pm

North Pole! What a fine address. I envy.

Uncle B’s address (soon to be mine) is the name of the house. The house has a name. The address is the name of the house. Oh dear god. I have already had problems because American government software expects addresses to start with numbers. Uncle B’s address is “Badger House, Kissmearse, England.”

Comment from Pupster
Time: September 5, 2008, 8:45 pm

*updates Christmas card list*

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: September 5, 2008, 9:05 pm

I want a house with a name. *sulks*

Hmm, maybe I should just name my house myself. Unfortunately, the only thing that comes to mine is Fruit Tree Place (I have lemon, lime, and grapefruit trees), which just sounds ridiculous. It has a lot of weird angles (which I love), so maybe “Cartesia” or something else geometrical-like would be appropriate.

I have a whopping 9 first cousins. Eh. Tons of great-aunts and great-uncles, though.

btw, Weas, I can kind of get why the Corner guys would have a slight liking for Biden. During the Democrats’ debates, he was often the only person on the stage who sounded at all like an adult. I have to admit I’m amused by his pompous blowhardiness. And I cannot WAIT for Sarah to take him down. Ohhh, yes.

Comment from Allen
Time: September 5, 2008, 9:12 pm

Oh hell no weas, Kissmearse, England is the perfect address. I would love to have that as my address.

Back in July we had a fambly thing. One of my nieces and her husband were going back and forth between French and Russian, with the occassional foray into English.

I’m standing there nodding (clueless,) and my niece asks, “Uncle Allen you look out of sorts, can I get you a vodka, or some wine?”



Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: September 5, 2008, 9:18 pm

Mrs Peel, Fruit Tree Manor sounds much snobbier 🙂

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: September 5, 2008, 9:38 pm

I don’t think <1900 sq ft qualifies as a manor…

Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: September 5, 2008, 9:42 pm

Sure it does, it’s a low enviro impact manor.

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:09 pm

Crap. Now I’m going to have to have a huge bonfire to produce as much carbon as possible.

Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:19 pm

Umm, might be better to go ahead and just run your car. Relatively, fires don’t do much to increase your footprint.

Comment from bad cat robot
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:44 pm

but you can *dance* around bonfires, TattoedIntellectual! If you do that around your running car people just think you locked your keys inside which could happen to *anyone* and they don’t call the guys with the thorazine darts. mmm, thorazine!

Comment from bad cat robot
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:46 pm

er, TattOOedIntellectual. The guy with the inked toes, I ignore you!

Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: September 5, 2008, 10:56 pm

Feel free to shorten it to TI. I didn’t think about how many danged double letters were in it before I picked that handle.

Inked toes as in actual work, or just some putz w/ a penchant for dipping his toes?

In NE we call running around your car a Chinese Fire drill. Pretty funny to watch at a busy intersection.

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: September 5, 2008, 11:04 pm

Fires are more fun. Besides, I have to get rid of all my tree bits somehow, and cutting them up for heavy trash pickup is boring.

Comment from scubafreak
Time: September 5, 2008, 11:58 pm

Here ya go, Stoatie, another contribution by MoulderX

http ://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f26/moulderx1/Nobama.jpg

Comment from LemurKing
Time: September 6, 2008, 1:39 am

Hmmmph. OUR “manor” is “The Great Pile” or just loosely “Home Crap Home”. Nothing fancy. House, two car garage, Jake the Poolboy out back (which pisses me off since we don’t have a pool).

Mrs. Peel, there’s always the lawn mower to help increase that ol’ carbon buttprint. Or a gas-powered leaf-sucker/weed-eater. I am mighty fond of my two riding mowers. Ride one and let the other just idle in the background so in case the first one dies, no valuable global warming time is lost.

Counting on all of you to help me keep my heating costs down this winter.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 6, 2008, 4:22 am

Carbon buttprint! I like!

Mrs P, how about the House of Escher?

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: September 6, 2008, 7:30 am

Citrus House, Mrs Peel?

(Citrus, Peel? Geddit?)

Actually Badger House is in a village (if you can call it such) with a unique distinction.

Her Ladyship (who has this thing about maps and details) looked up from her tome one day and announced that not one of the houses in the parish has a number. They all have names.

By the way, has anyone seen summer? It appears I put it down sometime in May and I haven’t been able to find it since 🙁

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 6, 2008, 7:36 am

I think the cottages across the road go by 1, 2 and 3, Uncle B. Not that we mingle with those people.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 6, 2008, 7:45 am

It’s a much more common thing there, of course. I’m convinced the house in London had a name — you could see where there used to be a plate on the outside — and it was built in the Twenties.

The house we came -=this=- close to buying, up the road from Badger House, was 18th C but had a name that was given it in the 1950s (it probably had another name before that). If we’d bought that one, we were going to rechristen it Stoat House for reals. Lovely place, but it had some serious and unsurmountable structural issues.

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: September 6, 2008, 8:02 am

There are people over the road? I hadn’t noticed, my dear!

And, anyway, they are No’s 1,2 and 3 BlahBlahBlah Cottages.

(PS This is wot passes for breakfast talk, chez Mustelid. Not something you’d usually inflict on a guest, you understand – her Ladyship busily eviscerating a runnybabit, UB wolfing down a pawful of worms.

Comment from porknbean
Time: September 6, 2008, 8:10 am

A-HA! So, it was you Uncle B. Did you check your pockets? How about that green house? You didn’t drop it it in the hole with the new poo factory, did you? You don’t think those evil looking sheep ran off with it…can’t trust sheep. How about your head…is it on top of your head or behind your ear?

*just going down the list as I might the husband who misplaced his wallet again*

Seriously. My tomato plants did not like having no summer.

Oh, and I think I’m coming down with something. School starts and crud spreads almost immediately. Meh. And I just listened to some idiot say that Palin has no business preaching abstinence since her daughter is pregnant.
The radio dude is an OB/GYN the rest of the week and says, hpv is rampant in spite of the heavy push for sex ed and condoms. Does that mean we should stop pushing condoms. Caller then says, ‘well, I just like B.O. better.’

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: September 6, 2008, 8:55 am

House of Escher, HA! Perfect.

Don’t feel bad, B. You don’t want to know what passes for cuddle talk with me and the boy. Topics range from the latest science news to the Linnaean classification of shrimp.

I didn’t have much of a summer either. It’s already gone down to the 70s here – in Texas. It didn’t even start getting properly warm until late June. ARGH. I’m not opposed to beautiful clear days with deep blue skies and 70º temps, but I like them in October, not the beginning of September.

Well, I’d better put my “rubbish” out on the “kerb” for pickup. Catch y’all on the flip side.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 6, 2008, 8:58 am

Oh, for chrissakes, don’t get Uncle B going on Linnaeus! Please! We’ll be here all day…

Pingback from I don’t know much about art… | Cold Fury
Time: September 6, 2008, 10:55 am

[…] we have Stoaty’s excellent portrayal of a poor, downtrodden Son of Man suffering the slings and arrows of bullies: And last: how out […]

Comment from Gnus
Time: September 6, 2008, 1:04 pm

Mrs. P, I was gonna suggest “Lemonhurst”, which lacks a certain gravitas, but was the best our crack team of wordsmiths could come up with. Maybe I should cut back on their crack?

Anyways, Sweasel’s suggestion has merit.

Uncle B, Thanks. I was afraid I was the only one noticing the cool this summer. Most unusual for Florida.

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