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Why, yes, that’s a badger made of flowers

The last few church flower festivals were this weekend. Reminder, the church picks a theme, people in the village make flower arrangements around the theme and show them off in the church, they have a little festival in the churchyard with tea and refreshments and junk stalls and used books and cake stalls. It’s the most English thing ever.

The theme of this one was ‘novels’ – but everyone seems to have picked kids’ books. This is Wind in the Willows, obviously.

We bought some very nice things in the cake tent, which had been forced to accommodate two tombstones inside. The English have a real “in the midst of life…” attitude about such things.

And with that, it’s nearly over. I don’t think the circus is coming this year – it usually marks the end. There are a couple of country shows left.

Then comes the long slide into darkness. We’ve got to come up with something to do with ourselves this Winter or we’ll go mad, I tell you!


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: August 26, 2024, 5:35 pm


Not THAT long slide into darkness, the winter thingie, right.

I find it fascinating, these fete things they have, and the fairs and such.
Normalcy is a nice thing.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: August 26, 2024, 7:20 pm

Stargazing Stoaty, and this might be fun: https://findstarlink.com/
Plug in where you live, and it will tell you when you can see the starlink satellites trailing overhead. I saw them a few months ago, just by accident. They go by fast!

Comment from Mark Matis
Time: August 26, 2024, 7:35 pm

Have you and Badger considered training bees to fight?

Comment from MrKnowitall
Time: August 26, 2024, 7:56 pm

Hmmm… whatever could you do?

Maybe go kayaking in VR with Kayak VR: Mirage? (Get the whole bundle when it (probably) goes on sale in the fall.)

Take up sailplanes in X-plane or Microsoft Flight Simulator? Also a fine VR experience.Very relaxing, gorgeous views.

Divide your front walkway into 1 inch squares and photograph one per day and make a montage. Take bets on how many pseudo images appear in the final conglomerated view. (Oh look! It’s G.K. Chesterton!)

Start training a blancmange to win at Wimbeldon.

Comment from thefritz
Time: August 26, 2024, 8:33 pm

Hey Swease, just saw this article. Did you hear about it when it happened? It’s a bit west of where I believe you to reside. I love me some treasure find stories!


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 27, 2024, 1:02 am


Start training a blancmange to win at Wimbledon.


You could demonstrate your woketude by training a blancmange and a brown betty to win mixed doubles at Wimbledon.

Comment from Mark Matis
Time: August 27, 2024, 6:37 pm

How much steroids should she give to the brown betty to make it credible, Uncle Al?

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 27, 2024, 6:52 pm

I did not see that, thefritz. Uncle B’s little brother found a Roman coin hoard when he was small. Not a valuable one, but all the same…

I’ve seen Starlink quite by accident. Something in the back of your brain says, “that thing ain’t right.”

I’ve got a games backlog, MrKnowitall, thanks to UEVR. Say, do you know of a good VR forum? I need to update my computer to keep up with some of these titles. But when I went shopping online, I discovered my rig isn’t all that bad. I need advice!

Comment from MrKnowitall
Time: August 27, 2024, 7:21 pm

Well, there’s a decent Discord called “Virtual Reality” that could probably answer your questions. Failing that, look for forums specific to the game. I’m hoping prices on graphics cards come down so I can upgrade soon. Running a 2070, and it still handles things, mostly, but it’s feeling its age.

Tell us more about the games backlog!

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