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Fun fact

British newspapers report things that happened in British soap operas as news items. You might have noticed this if you frequent sites like the Mail. This confused the hell out of me at first.

What you might not realize is that British soaps are the only ones in the world that are about ordinary, working class people. (I read this; I don’t pretend to be an international authority on soap operas). Everybody else’s soaps are about rich people or actors or doctors and nurses, but local daytime drama is about ordinary mooks doing ordinary stuff.

The explanation I’ve heard is that Brits are intensely private, but still intensely curious about their neighbors, so they make up imaginary neighbors to snoop on.

I was never into the soaps, except by chance I had a period of unemployment after leaving school that exactly coincided with the Luke and Laura era of General Hospital. I mean, it has a Wikipedia article, for pity’s sake. It was just that big.

Have a good weekend!

p.s. speaking of snoops, I regard it as one of television’s greatest injustices that Gladys Kravitz was right!


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 13, 2024, 7:14 pm

Abner! Abneeeeer!
She’s eating the dogs!

Comment from OldFert
Time: September 13, 2024, 7:33 pm

Luke and Laura were big when I was stationed in Japan. If you were in a line someplace on base you could start up a conversation with just about anybody in the vicinity about Luke & Laura. It was like EVERYONE was watching it. IIRC, the local Armed Forces TV even ran it twice a day so the shift workers could keep up.

Comment from Veeshir
Time: September 13, 2024, 11:09 pm

I remember Luke and Laura, I was unemployed for a month or two.

I do have to say that my favorite soap, Soap, was about ordinary people.
For some values of ‘ordinary’.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 14, 2024, 2:22 am

Do 1 season Korean Soap operas count?
They usually involve rich people running afoul of regular people.
And corrupt politicians.
And Kings, alchemists, courtiers, and wizardry type folks of the old Joseon Dynasty.

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