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No post. Scanning.

Ugh. Yes. Picked up another malware. (Yes I was computing unsafely; don’t rub it in). This one was listed as a password stealer in the registry.

I’ve changed all my banking passwords, but I can’t be arsed to figure out all the places I post as sweasel and change them. (Of course I use the same unsafe password at all of them). So if I start posting wild moonbat theories or try to sell you Viagra in Chinglish, you’ll know what’s what.

Still snowed in, but the weather has been wild. Warmer temps are coming. First a thick white cottonwool fog folded around us, now the wind has got up. Big time. Next: rain.

With any luck, we’ll escape tomorrow. We’ve just cracked open the last bottle of Old Rutgot.

Oh, great. There goes the broadband. Well, if it comes back tonight, I’ll post this.


December 4, 2010 — 1:20 am
Comments: 30

Oof. Throw another runnybabbit on the fire

Can you make out the outline of Britain in the picture? No? That about sums it up.

It’s been snowing for three days. I reckon we got…getting on for two feet. It’s hard to tell with the drifts.

That would be a pretty good early storm for Rhode Island on the 1st of December. It is expletive extraordinary for the South coast of England.

And like most places that get hit with a lot more of the white stuff than they’re accustomed to, everything has skittered to a halt. The usual; people spending the night in immobile trains, massive jams on major roads.

It’s supposed to stop tomorrow and get sunny, but then the temps will drop to 19ºF tomorrow night (another extraordinary number for this place) so the refreeze should be eeeeeevil.

I’ve been clomping around in my Wellies all day, cracking the ice on the chickens’ water and feeding bits to our neighborhood’s one stray cat (we take turns looking after him).

Vodka supplies….running low. Please. Send liquor.



December 2, 2010 — 11:36 pm
Comments: 28

Because I can is why…

pelosi blows smoke rings

Jes’ playing around with ImageReady’s .gif animation tools. Because that’s the only animation tool I got.

Yep, my desktop machine is still busted and I haven’t QUITE talked myself into a new one, on account of every time I tot up the bare minimum things I need to enter the multi-core world where all the cool kids hang out, the bottom line makes my eyes water.

And then I see a sidebar ad for Photoshop’s Extended version. It has 3D bits. Droooool.


Times like this, I really miss my old faceless evil American corporation and her magical bottomless pockets.

December 1, 2010 — 7:39 pm
Comments: 14