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A visit to my pumpkin dealer

Brits don’t really do Halloween, except this one guy. This is a local farmer. We buy potatoes from him in the summer.

In October – well, by the time October rolls around – he’s grown thousands of pumpkins for sale. And he’s always super busy selling them. Mostly families with young children buying wheelbarrows full of them. Lord knows what they’re doing with them.

He must have hundreds and hundreds left over, but he also keeps pigs, so problem solved.

Authorities are warning us not to dump our pumpkins in the woods. Apparently, pumpkin gives hedgehogs diarrhea.

Do I believe this? Well, the expert quoted suggests we make the flesh into delicious pumpkin soup instead, thereby proving she knows fuck all about ornamental pumpkins. I cooked one up one year and it was nasty.

Speaking of woodland, go watch this hilarious ad.

October 30, 2024 — 7:01 pm
Comments: 9