Can’t you hear the Kum Ba Ya?
From the last church flower festival we went to — possibly the last one of the year. We are down at the short end of the season now.
I feel a little cruel running with this one. These ladies were, after all, just making a joyful noise (and doing a respectable job of it, on the whole).
Only…aren’t they precious?
Posted: September 7th, 2015 under adventure, britain, personal.
Comments: 10
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: September 7, 2015, 10:37 pm
I’m curious about the one who is “manspreading”. Has LBGT acceptance arrived in Kent unannounced?
Oh, and does this mean I am going to hell?
Comment from J.S.Bridges
Time: September 7, 2015, 11:07 pm
Ah, she’s just gettin’ properly braced-up for those occasional *reeely-high* notes…
Tho, the Sweet Young Thing in the white trou seems to be sorta lining-up to make a quick getaway-move, should one of those high, hard ones rip entirely loose and come after ‘er.
A Goodly Group, no doubt…I can almost hear the hum ‘n buzz originating from that YammerHammer’s keyboard inside my head right now.
Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: September 7, 2015, 11:48 pm
One has to wonder if frumpy old white ladies playing tunes from the days of imperialistic hegemony and colonialism will be allowed for much longer. I’m certain they are doing something problematic.
Mocking them is the only appropriate response to their white privilege and furtherance of gendered music archetypes (I have no idea what I’m saying here) and inherent approval of the patriarchicality of religion.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: September 8, 2015, 1:04 pm
Be very, very careful Stoatie… Everybody knows that what a band with only two recorders, a guitar, and a keyboard absolutely needs is….a… Banjo Player
[insert appropriate accent]
“Besides, it’s our Christian duty to make that nice American woman welcome, even if she’s a wee bit of a heathen living with that Badger.”
Comment from Mr. Dave
Time: September 8, 2015, 2:43 pm
Whipping Post!
Comment from Glenster
Time: September 8, 2015, 4:39 pm
Um, it doesn’t actually appear to be a *joyful* noise, does it?
Comment from mojo
Time: September 8, 2015, 8:23 pm
Cigar-box banjo. Just sayin’…
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: September 8, 2015, 10:19 pm
Yes, I have to say they fluffed the solo in Communication Breakdown.
Comment from unkawill
Time: September 11, 2015, 2:26 am
Three LOL’s in one thread. My Dad is looking at me as if I’m crazy.
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