Fruit head guy
Twitter tells me it’s Giuseppe Arcimboldo‘s birthday. You know, the fruit head guy. I always thought his stuff was super creepy. I literally recalled his name by going to Google and typing “fruit head painter”.
I got a notification from Twitter earlier that “Your Chickens have tweeted for the first time in a long time.” Turns out Your Chickens is a magazine.
Anyhoo! Anybody here use CBD oil? I have a friend back in the States strongly recommending it for my elderly cat. To improve her (probably) kitty arthritis and general quality of life. It hurts to watch her walk now.
I spent hours Googling around to find if CBD is legal to import to the UK. Turns out, legal to own, but not so much to import. Modern Britain is stuff full of ambiguous laws and I live in fear of tripping over one and getting my elderly ass deported.
Anyway, one of our major vitamin chains carries it, so that’s alright. But I know nothing of dosages or effectiveness or difference in brands.
I’m tempted to dismiss it as snake oil, I get so much hyperbolic spam about it. But too many people I know personally swear it’s done a world of good for their animals.
Posted: July 11th, 2018 under art, personal.
Comments: 12
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: July 11, 2018, 10:36 pm
“Demon in Black and White.”
There. All Done.
Comment from P. Douglas
Time: July 11, 2018, 10:38 pm
Gabapentin for feline arthritis. It actually works.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: July 12, 2018, 1:13 am
Instead of the oil, try the treats:!shop/c237h
Start with a small dose and see what happens. When she starts to stagger whilst walking, cut back. A friend is using it for her Zimbabwean Ridgeback which has cancer and has already had the chemo. Steroids are the last choice, so as long as these work she’ll continue to use them.
Comment from greg
Time: July 12, 2018, 3:06 am
Just happened to have read this earlier today. It’s about CBD use in dogs, but you may find links to feline use.
Cats are different though, being obligate carnivores, whereas dogs are more omnivore scavengers–yeah, they’ll eat the most disgusting things. A friend once poisoned her cats with garlic supplements. Turns out garlic makes cats go aplastic, and they died of anemia.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 12, 2018, 7:35 am
Charlotte isn’t actually ill, as far as I know. But ever since she got mauled by an animal a year ago, it looks like walking is an agony for her. She probably wrenched several joints trying to fight back.
I’m stuck with what’s available in the UK, and one article I read recommended importing stuff from the US because there weren’t any pet-specific formulas in the UK. Perhaps it was an old article.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: July 12, 2018, 9:59 am
What does your vet say? Has she had xrays?
Comment from F X Muldoon
Time: July 12, 2018, 11:41 am
What Ric Fan said. CBD is just more “cannabis will fix everything” rubbish, gabapentin is an anti-seizure medication that can be used for pain, but more as a last resort as it is not without cognitive side effects.
There are anti-inflammatory formulations suitable for cats, but cats are very sensitive to some, so you need to go through a vet. There are some injections (e.g., Pentosan) and supplements (e.g., glucosamine in feline formulation) that can help.
Bottom line, though, is going to the vet for the roentgenograms to see what is really going on with the bones/joints to get appropriate treatment.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 12, 2018, 12:51 pm
Are there animal chiropractors?
Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: July 12, 2018, 1:49 pm
What is Central Business District oil?
Comment from F X Muldoon
Time: July 12, 2018, 3:14 pm
Are there animal chiropractors?
Yes, and they are just as well avoided as the human types, actually probably more so.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: July 12, 2018, 5:13 pm
Well, whatever you do, make sure you check with Brussels first to see if you’re about to violate some EU cat law.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 12, 2018, 6:32 pm
She’s been to the vet, who has put her on what we call ‘kitty ibuprofen’ prn. It does seem to help, but he did it at my suggestion. I don’t think he’s shocked that a 16 year old cat who’s been through the wars is a bit krunky.
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