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What it probably feels like to him…

Poor Barack. He’s not having a very good time of it these days. Sometimes, it sucks to be the most powerful man in the free world. Folks won’t let you alone to enjoy your damn waffle.

And now Drudge is leading with this.

Which is just mean.

And petty.

Hilariously, delightfully mean and petty.

June 22, 2010 — 9:47 pm
Comments: 21

Happy Summer Solstice!

I stole the pic from these people.

It’s the Solstice!

We grabbed a bottle, fired up the chimenea and spent the evening in the garden staring up at the stars. It was light, I swears, at eleven. Magic!

It’s all downhill from here.

In now. Not sober. G’night!

— 12:27 am
Comments: 11