Screw politics
Violet laid her first egg! Afterwards, she was subdued and thoughtful for the rest of the day.
That means both new girls are in lay now. Plus Lucia.
Mapp, on the other hand, is not having a very good Summer. After going broody for months, she got over herself only to begin the moult. Lucia is so ticked off with her, she’s been pulling feathers out of Mapp’s collar one beakful at a time until the back of her neck is totally bald.
Hence, three nights running, Mapp has come to the back door at bedtime and resolutely refused to go into the henhouse. I’m letting her sleep in a cat carrier in the laundry room. There are Mappfeathers EVERYwhere.
Chicken drama.
Plus, Uncle B got up the onions and the taters for the year. The onions will last most of the Winter, the potatoes…well, I reckon there were at least thirty pounds there. Plus runner beans, French beans, cabbages, cukes and cauliflowers. The tomatoes haven’t done great this year, but we’ve got some.
You know, the rest of the country could pour gas over its head and light a match, and we’d get along fine out here.
August 10, 2011 — 10:13 pm
Comments: 46