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She finally had enough

Shirley Curry, the Skyrim Grandma, has finally played enough Skyrim. Nine years, 1.5M subscribers and 2.3K videos later, she’s done.

I have to say, she’s lookin’ really good for 88. My friend group is in the 75 to 85 range, and everybody’s getting a little cyborg-y.

I didn’t watch a whole lot of her videos, but her interactions with the game and with her viewers were fun. When she played with an in-game companion, she chatted away to him like he was people. It was like watching a kid play with Barbies.

She also loved to read aloud from the books in the game, of which the Internet tells me there are 337. I always thought that was an outrageous waste of developer’s time, writing those books, as I assume most players opened and shut them without reading a word. (You have to open them all because a few of them gave you skill points on opening).

The Bethesda game studio has scanned her likeness so they can make her a character in the next game. I hope she lives to see it.

September 25, 2024 — 6:36 pm
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