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Okay, okay…Ray Villafane, I ain’t. But I couldn’t find my modeling tools. Also, I suck at pumpkin carving.

Hallowe’en wasn’t a thing here when Uncle B were a lad. It is now. Not a huge thing, but a very definite holiday, much in the style of the American version.

If I had to guess, I’d point a finger at retailers, yearning after that sweet candy-and-costume money. Older Brits mill about confusedly at Hallowe’en, muttering questions.

Is there any special food we eat on the 31st? Do we send cards? Is there a greeting? They worry about these things.

Happy All Hallows, anyhoo! Our clocks changed already, so we’re a bit out of synch tonight. Oh, and…BEAK-BEAK-BUTT-BUTT. Pass it on.


Comment from Scubafreak
Time: November 1, 2011, 12:05 am

Unfortunately, I am working through the trick or treating (left the damn porch light on..), but I have a copy of PUMPKINHEAD to watch between calls, so not all is lost.

Comment from Sven In Colorado
Time: November 1, 2011, 12:56 am

Kids stump about, overdosing on sugar/corn syrup candies whilst either wrapped in overcoats and booted in galoshes because it is snowing….or run the streets in short sleeves. All Hallow’s Eve is a night of extremes here in Denver.

We have seen a growing group of younger “YUPPIE” chilluns these last five or so years. The neighborhood is changing.

Tomorrow is All Saints Day. That is one of my favored minor feast days.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” Hebrews 12:1

As an Acolyte and Verger, I have been involved in more than a few Ordinations. During the service of Ordination to the Priesthood, I have *seen*(as in the “second sight” which George MacDonald spoke in his taught novelette: The Portent)…. the long line of flickering hands stretching back to St. Peter himself reaching down in blessing to the one being ordained. It still drives me to my knees in prayer and thanksgiving.

As for carving pumpkins, I prefer the old manner of scaring kids… I prefer to present a wicked face, flashing lights, barking dog and my own self….a bearded, bent over old curmudgeon, reeking of whiskey, disheveled and grumpy.

Comment from Sven In Colorado
Time: November 1, 2011, 1:05 am

damn….that should read “taut”, not “taught”….

too much whiskey!

Comment from Mono The Elderish
Time: November 1, 2011, 1:31 am

Yep, I among others have OD’d on reeses cups and Hershey products. That pumpkin is STILL far and away better than I could do. Woot.

Comment from JeffS
Time: November 1, 2011, 1:31 am

Pumpkin carving made easy.

PS: It’s safe for work. But married fellas might consider not watching it more than twice. Unless the wife is out on an errand……


Comment from Cobrakai99
Time: November 1, 2011, 1:49 am

0 children here. They bypass the gated apartment complex for the two neighborhoods next do0r. The management even leaves the gates open on halloween to be inviting. Oh well, that is why you buy candy that you will eat yourself, not the bad stuff.

I have noticed though that the kiddos seem to be less and less interested in trick or treating. It seems it is too much work to walk around the neighborhood to get some candy. They all want to go to parties andhave it handed to them. #Occupy Halloween

Comment from Deborah
Time: November 1, 2011, 2:33 am

Excellent jack-o-lantern, Stoaty. (Uncle Badger—please make Stoaty stop po-mouthin’ her work.) Will you give the pumpkin to the girls now?

No chirren trick or treating my house, but I live way out on a resort lake surrounded by retirees. I’ve bought candy every year I’ve been here, except this year. Sigh. Next year I’ll buy candy again, because I miss those little Reese’s Cup miniatures ๐Ÿ™‚

Comment from Nina
Time: November 1, 2011, 3:14 am

Me daughter in England told me that a kid came by last night to trick or treat. She said that it was actually tomorrow night, and the kid turned to the adult with him and said something in an unintelligible language. The adult replied in what Emily presumes was the same unintelligible language. She wondered if she’d got it wrong and it was actually celebrated on the 30th in England. I got home from work too late this afternoon to see if the kid came back tonight, or how many treaters they had (unlike the Stoatress, the kids have normal sleeping hours, being diurnal). We’ve had mebbe ten. My colleagues will rejoice tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

My son in Norway turned 30 yesterday, thousands of miles from the apron strings that I clearly should have tied a little tighter…dang kid having adventures. How’s that for a non-sequitur?

Hope everyone has either already had or is having a happy All Hallows Eve!

Comment from MIke C.
Time: November 1, 2011, 6:43 am

You know what they do with pumpkins in the PRC? They eat them. They go good in a stew.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 1, 2011, 1:00 pm

I made pumpkin pie from them last year or year before. It was AWFUL. I’ve since been informed that the jack-o-lantern type pumpkins really aren’t very good for cooking.

No kidding.

Comment from Deborah
Time: November 1, 2011, 1:43 pm

I made a pumpkin pie with Libby’s, which would have been delicious, except I forgot it was in the oven for almost four hours. Scorched pumpkin is indescribable. The look of disappointment on Husband’s face was even more indescribable (I NEVER want to see that look again). I gave the pie to the dog and he gallantly gnawed on it for while, but then he buried it while I wasn’t looking. Even the dog gave me a shitty look.

Comment from jwpaine
Time: November 1, 2011, 2:29 pm

My wife and I have tried making punka pie several times over the years, with her doing most of the work and me standing in the kitchen giving useful advice (welcome advice, too, as any married women here can attest). It’s hard to imagine that anything as simple as punka pie could be so easy to fuck up in so many different ways. Then, about a decade ago, we discovered Marie Callender’s sells a perfectly fine brand of punka pie.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: November 1, 2011, 2:33 pm

There are two kinds of pumpkins “cow pumpkins” and “pie pumpkins”. Pie pumpkins are generally smaller but have a MUCH higher sugar content. This high sugar contents makes them spoil quickly and therefore unsuitable for jackolanterns. Cow pumpkins are larger, but stringy and tough with low sugar content. They are only suitable for feeding to the cows (hence the name) or, if one has no cows but only chickens, making jackolanterns. We vegetables know such things.
Oh, and BOO! ๐Ÿ™‚

Comment from mojo
Time: November 1, 2011, 5:42 pm

I always trust vegetables. Not like those fruits…

Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: November 1, 2011, 8:38 pm

Better than anything I ever carved. I just can’t do much with pumpkins, although I’m ok with clay. I do love pumpkin seeds though, hell with the carving.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: November 2, 2011, 12:56 am

What Deborah wrote. Very good work, and you oughta pat yerself on the back for doing it, not apologize.

Comment from Frit
Time: November 2, 2011, 1:57 am

Pre Halloween conversation in the house of the Frit & Dragon:

Frit: Is Halloween celebrated here in Oz?
Dragon: Not really, mostly the merchants trying to make money, but very few trick-or-treaters show up.
Frit: We don’t have any candy in the house. What should we offer if we do get trick-or-treaters?
Dragon: Humm….well….there’s always the dried Wasabi Peas…. *evil grin*
Frit: Bwahahahahahahahahahaaaa!

(Note: No one showed, so we did not get to test the dried wasabi peas as a Halloween treat.)

Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: November 2, 2011, 2:11 am

While I concur with Deborah and Rick Rostrum that that pumpkin is nothing to sneeze at, I can also understand how someone capable of producing the eggcup and tea set in your prior post would feel dissatisfied with the pumpkin. I am trying to overcome an unhealthy addiction to owning more things, but if you starting marketing a line of ceramics I’d go on a buying frenzy!

That said–like others, I hope you continue your forays into pumpkin-carving.

Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: November 2, 2011, 7:16 pm

I think it’s a very nice pumpkin.

Comment from unkawill
Time: November 2, 2011, 11:36 pm

Take the seeds and toast them on a cookie sheet in the oven.YUM

Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: November 4, 2011, 12:37 am


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